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7 hours Completed Mad King clocktower.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


The difficulty doesn’t need to be reduced to the lowest common denominator. The user-friendliness of the puzzle can be improved (e.g. no cut scene, not waiting 30-60 seconds to get back in, etc.) but leave the difficulty of it alone. It is supposed to be challenging. If you can do all the other jumping puzzles in the game (some are quite challenging, don’t see throngs of whiners asking for difficulty reductions on those), then you can do this one too. Practice more.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


Swtor, aion, warhammer, TSW would like to have a word with you. History from past mmo’s show that when customers get displeased with a NEW mmo that they haven’t invested years worth of time in, they will drop that game like a bad habit no questions asked. I think Anet screwed the pooch on this one. I for one, am going back to WoW.

I remember when cash shops were first announced people got very worried. I now see why. The chest keys drop rate is something that has bothered me. 50 chests yet 2-4 keys from 1-80. Seemed fishy, guess I was right.

You sure about that? AoC, Swtor, Warhammer, TSW, Aion begs to differ. When players are unhappy they leave. Meaning no more money! You speak as if boycotts previously were empty threats. Think again.

lol, those games were garbage and doomed to die within a few months do to being rushed out the door with zero content, a plethora of problems, and a $15/month fee.

Not because a bunch of butt-hurts wasted their money gambling for in-game items and got burned. Those weren’t boycotts, those were people quitting the game. I am talking about all the people in the, “Ur never geting my monies agan arenanet, but I’m still gonna play and probably buy gems in the near future..” camp.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


I am 100% confident that most, if not all, of you will forget about your “boycott” when the next event rolls around. Just like every other srsbsnz video game boycott, ever.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: lycosis.5974


Wow, people need to chill out a little. It’s your own fault you “wasted” your money without knowing all the facts.

Take a look at this game that we all are playing. It already has existing methods of loot acquisition with incredibly low probabilities that act as money sinks:

1) Legendary precursors out of the Mystic Forge
2) Permanent items out of Black Lion Chests

Did you really think that you were going to pull a skin – that is almost the resource-equivalent of making a legendary or at the very least a precursor – out of a Black Lion Chest? You’re all looking at this backwards!

“I deserve a skin because I opened x many chests.”
“I’m never buying gems again because I wasted 1800 gems to get nothing.”

Are you kidding me? It’s not like you didn’t get anything for opening all those chests, you just didn’t get what you want.

You have a weapon- or armour-skin that is incredibly expensive or at least time-intensive to make and the mats are around for a limited time. And you think you deserve to pull it out of a Black Lion Chest? No, no you do not deserve it. You have a chance to pull it out, a really low chance given that it the equivalent to a legendary. You gambled and lost, that is what happens when you go all in with imperfect information. God help you if you ever step into a casino.

I would suggest the next time one of these events rolls around you save your money and wait for the rich players to buy 1000 of this item or that item to figure out the chance of acquiring one of these items.