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Remove immunity from mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: maakrabe.3564


I’ll be honest, I didn’t think of that evolver. But, whats the highest level mob we can potentially face, and win, against in a level appropriate zone? Something like 3, or +4?
IF that were the case, make that a hard cap of sorts on higher level enemies. So sure, someone could go and find themselves a safe place to pluck their bow strings at a 20
enemy, but they are wasting their time seeing as how they are getting so little (relatively) xp for the action as opposed to someone who should actually be in the area level wise.
Or, they could just cut off xp gain from enemies a certain level higher than your own, saying that the enemy in question was so far ahead of you, you’re currently incapable of comprehending anything of value from the encounter.

(Mind you, I’m not sure if the xp you gain is based off of your actual level and scales, or if it’s based on the level of the mob in question, or even if it’s a combo of the two. It might be something different from that as far as I know. I haven’t taken the time to look into it before now. So everything I’m thinking of is more guesswork than anything else as to what system the devs put into place for our getting xp.)

Granted, that would be a hardcase way of dealing with it. And honestly, putting some safeguards in place to prevent exploitation of any new immunity free system would probably be too much of a pain in the butt to actually justify changing something that works fine the way it is.
Not really trying to champion the change in mechanics, mind you, just tossing out ideas that pop into my head about our conversation.
It’s boring at work today. :P

Full customization of your toon. Full...

in Suggestions

Posted by: maakrabe.3564


Okay, I haven’t been a forum skulker for a while now, someone explain the new “kitten” lingo to me please.

Remove immunity from mobs.

in Suggestions

Posted by: maakrabe.3564


I wouldn’t mind them taking away immunity to regular mobs, but leaving it on Veterans and higher. After all, normal mobs are more of a filler anyways. It’s not like they are actually dangerous to a competent player when they aren’t in large numbers.
That’s my 2 copper anyway.

The Brawler Class (For Future Expansions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: maakrabe.3564


You know, on a similar line, I’d like to see racial combat skills.
We have no stock combat abilities while unarmed, and I think it would add some flavor to have some. It would be pretty fun to be able to Hulk-out as a Norn, or maul things as a Charr, Box or go Bruce Lee as a Human, and do…something clever as an Asura.
This would certainly be something low on the to-do list as I can see, as it would pretty much be flavor only. The damage from these skills would only be effected by whatever armor and trinkets you’re wearing at the time, since you’d only be able to access them while you have no weapon equipped.
You could even add this to the drunken brawl type minigames we have, or roleplay with it for a way to settle disagreements or go feral or what-have-you.
Like I said, it would be a flavor only thing, but it would be fun. After all, more things to do are a good thing.
Not trying to thread jack you OP, but your post just made me think of this, so I decided to put it out there. :P