Showing Posts For maidens.1973:
The game will d/c you after inactivity.
That’s not WvW…
WvW not part of the game?
In prime time all wvw maps in Q.
I stand for Q in EBG for example. i see Q 80ppl. i grab some coffee + phone talk while i wait in Q. return to my pc & see you been disconnected because you too long not moving…or something like that. For what this feature? Wait 1 hour in Q. then you dissconected & wait again 1-2 hours in Q. How ppl can play in wvw like that? EOTM? no tnx.
its can be true. anet says today 64bit client is no longer in beta. all work fine.
rly anet give me a job. i can do all this kitten the same….says its no beta anymore but now its not playable….kitten*….did you hear about testers?
(edited by maidens.1973)
When encouraging players to use more CC someone even asked what that means.
because all ppl devided into 4 categories:
1) think CC is Condition Control
2) think CC is Condition Clearence
3)realy know what is it (by the way what is cc?)
4) dont know
if you wanna ppl use something djust explain
in gw2 in past 3 years i see alot of events like madking Halloween or Christmas events or Twisted Watchwork events….why you cant repeat this events while you develop a new one? a lot of people miss some events & a lot of people a new players. why not? its quickly not needed a lot of developers work & players has a old but fun events. also imo stop this useless pvp tornaments…most of people don’t care about it
(edited by maidens.1973)
oh see its not bug. its new feature from anet to up time in game from players. new slogan- never logoff always play )
this option in 1st tab in options menu.
all software has bugs but “bug” which force ppl do not use your software its mistake. its biggest mistake which could do in software dev.
i dont wanna login in game where all my settings are reset. i don’t wanna play like that. its joke? same wintersday event 3 years old. year by year same content & y cannot simply test for 3-5 maybe 10 accounts before push to main servers? what qualification have your Team managers/dev managers/test managers? have you atleast 1 tester? on my work if i will push so baggy release to productions Project manager will be fired me in 1 sec.
(edited by maidens.1973)
maybe release date we hear on this gamescon?
i recieve a slot.tnx anet
3) Perma-Swiftness OoC by Blasting Lightning Field (Jalis Stance #7) with Hammer 3 and 5.
tnx for than. i didn’t now that
4) Staff #4 (2 Condis), Jalis #6 (3 Condis), Ventari #9 (2 Condis), Salvation Trait 5
for staff ok. but i think general weapon for wvw will be a hammer & hammer no condiremovers. maybe for now….
(edited by maidens.1973)
1) SLoooow very very slooow. Slow revenant as in moving & slow skills use. Hammer 3 & 5 skills – in wvw cannot use because sloooow.
2) NO DPS!
3)No swiftnes
4) like mesmer have no condition removers
5)Forced Engagement – not working graphics. tested in EB.