Showing Posts For malicek.9032:

Dervish and Ritualist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: malicek.9032


Well I feel you OP. The ritualist was my favorite class of almost any game I ever played. I loved it in pve. I was crushed when they said it wouldn’t make an appearance in this game. I also hate melee fighting but for some reason I really enjoyed the dervish, again I was utterly disappointed as there is no dervish in this game. I have played every class and right now, nothing and I mean NOTHING, resembles either of these two classes. While it saddens me I did move on and found I liked playing a mesmer which has an abysmal dps rating. I wound up hating it in HOT because the mechanics changed so much, you were forced to play a certain way to survive. The change was a complete turn off as I felt I was playing a much different class than the mesmer I played in the core game. Now I find myself trying to decide which class I go forward with into POF. Just an FYI, sometimes I go back and play GW1 for a bit so I can reminiscence and think of what might have been……

Yeah, my favorite part about the Dervish was the amount of boons and sustain they had. I could take a second to buff up before each fight and be able to dish out tons of damage while healing and restoring energy with each attack. I never played much of Ritualist but I had quite a few friends who were Ritualist mains and they were all obsessed with the class. Maybe they’ll make a return later on in the life of GW2. I think it’s a possibility, and to be honest I’m a bit surprised PoF didn’t include another class.

Dervish and Ritualist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: malicek.9032


The Rev is based on the Ritualist as a class, but the Spell Breaker is supposed to be the Dervish surrogate. But if you really want to argue it….. the Reaper is actually as close to the Dervish in a mechanical sense as this game allows.

Thank you for this, I will check out both Revenant and the Reaper Specialization!

Changing Display Name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: malicek.9032


And the other reasons they do not offer Display Name changes? Being accountable certainly serves a purpose. Also, being in IT isn’t the same as coding for an MMO that has code built upon code built upon code.

We’ve seen the reports from players who have had their Display Name changed. It gives up one problem for a slew of others.

Your Display Name doesn’t seem bad. At least, you don’t have one of the UNID ones.

Good luck.

I understand that they’re not the same, but as far as accounts go, having them identified by display name instead of a hidden account number is just terrible design. I also understand it would be a massive undertaking to make the transition this late in development, but after viewing past forum posts there’s quite a few people that would have liked this feature, especially seeing as it’s a fairly standard feature in almost every other game. Some make you pay for it (ArcheAge, BDO), while others allow you to change it for free via your account settings (ESO). BattleNet IDs last I checked could be also be changed via a support request.


(edited by malicek.9032)

Dervish and Ritualist?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: malicek.9032


I booted up the original Guild Wars today as I realized I only had 29/30 Hall of Monument points, and as I’m playing through on my Dervish I’m remembering how fun this class was to play. With Path of Fire coming out I feel as if the Dervish would fit right in, and although the Revenant is similar to the Dervish, it certainly is not it.

Will we ever see either the Dervish or Ritualist make a return in Guild Wars 2?

Changing Display Name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: malicek.9032


Thank you for the response! Yeah, I’ve read through all of those before posting here, and while I understand why it can’t be done, I cannot understand why their system was so poorly designed as to not be able to handle display name changes.

Here’s to hoping.

Changing Display Name

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: malicek.9032


Not to sound like a complete a**, but you’d think that after 5 years of development being able to change our display names would be a menial task at best, instead of system-breaking one. Upon requesting that my display name be changed (I am a returning player), I was met with the response that it cannot be done per user request as the system was not designed to handle display name changes. As someone that has worked in IT for 8 years, something as simple as a display name change should not break anything, and if it does, then that is some very poor foresight and design on ArenaNet’s behalf.

Requesting a display name change could have even been made profitable with requiring Gems to change, so this is just a massive oversight. I hope to see display name changes implemented in the near future.

Support Log-in Loop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: malicek.9032


Users can’t log-in to their account at the support page. Logging in while on the support page will redirect users to the account management page, and upon clicking the link to return to the support page, users are logged out and can either go through the log-in loop again, or submit a ticket anonymously. This has been tested on multiple browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge) with the same results.

(edited by malicek.9032)