Showing Posts For marissajz.2769:
I seriously doubt any of you have tried leveling a character after these changes. Its never been this easy before and if you vets are truly worried about leveling an alt you should be overjoyed. You can do it quicker than ever. I suspect a large portion of the crying is really about key farming becoming more tedious. If you create an alt and somehow find it to be harder because of the skill gating…you just cant be helped. Are you saying you prefer the leveling to be slower but more involved? For me I just want to get my alts to 80 where they can be of the most use to me. I can do that quicker now. I dont need to experience every little thing Ive done 20 times before.
Trust me, I’m saddened we’ve lost keyfarming. But ANet could’ve handled that little problem easily by simply removing the keys from personal story or putting the key reward at higher personal story levels. This seems like a VERY knee-jerk reaction to a minor scrape.
I created a new character yesterday just to see what it would be like to do so, and I was immensely BORED. You can’t even unlock your BASIC skill bar until level 10. No rallying. It’s just a terrible experience. I HATE doing hearts. Passionately. Only did them to work towards legendary. The progression itself, isn’t quicker, nor is it slower. It’s just monotonous, tedious, and not fun. Part of the fun of creating a new character was seeing what they could do. That’s been completely removed.
Here’s a question for you: how are people who are actually new to the game supposed to learn how to play their characters properly?? They have to grind through just to get skills unlocked.
I feel very fortunate that I have all 8 professions to 80 already, and I feel very sorry for anyone who doesn’t. I will not be recommending this game to anyone.
(edited by marissajz.2769)
Sadly, yes. That is exactly what happened. And trust me, I feel that!!! I’ve been recommending this game steadily since 2005 to other gamer friends, but I cannot in good conscience continue to do so.
What I find disturbing is the people saying “this is great!”. It is not great. It is not good. It is very bad.
How can people properly learn to play their character/profession if they can’t even access their BASIC skill bar until level 10. And the rally locks are SERIOUSLY lame as well. I don’t even see the point of that particular nugget. This patch to new players/characters is every bit as bad as I anticipated. When they described it on the blog, I thought to myself “no, there’s no way they’re going to do what I think they’re going to do, that would make a horrible new game experience”. But yes, they actually did what I expected they were going to do. Kill the game for new players. Which is a shame, I love having new players around, their excitement is infectious.
Really, I’m so thankful I’ve been playing for a year and I already have a character of every profession that is level 80. I actually made a new character after patch to see what it would be like for new players or characters and – oh my! – it was AWFUL!!!!!!
Talk about Grind Wars 2!!!! I feel soooooooo bad for new players or for players who didn’t make all their characters yet. Talk about the world’s most BORING GRIIIIIIIIIIIND to level. It’s just boring. You literally can’t do anything when you’re starting out other than those extremely dull hearts that make you want to bang your head against a wall. You only get access to skill 1??? Wow. How are people supposed to learn how to use their characters when they can’t even access a basic skill bar until level 10? LOL It’s just terrible. Like ‘holy crow! this is insanely boring!’ terrible. The bad part is I like fresh blood, and if people are welcomed with “hello! now go forth and grind, grind, grind”, its a massive turn-off.
My question is – how in the world does China like that kind of game play???? There is nothing remotely enticing about it!
Tried to send the PM to John but got the error message of go wait for 2 days. :/