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Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: marsexplorer.7251


its a ery bad idea moving Terror to GM curse tree. If you do this, you cannot get 100% duration on fear without food.

using 30/20///20 we have 100% duration with rune of necromencer: 20% with the rune, 30% with spite and 50% with Master of terror. i use it befor dhummfire.
if terror is moved to GM, Master of terror need a up to get the cap of 100% duration.

So, do you want to nerf terror in PVP?

Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: marsexplorer.7251


Even though we wont do it for Dec 10. I just wanted to throw out a wacky possible idea for Dhuumfire that we could discuss…

  • Life Blast has a 100% chance to cause Burning on hit (2 seconds long). 6 seconds ICD.

Obviously the #s are ballpark and not necessarily final. The % chance, duration, and ICD are all subject to change.


Simply very good idea. it could be in DS tree, master trait, insteed of master of terror. this one can be moved in spite, grand master, because it’s condition duration, with a up at 70%.
if terror is moved to grand master too, it’s means that a full terror build cannot use dhuumfire (30/30///).
and minus terror+ dhumm, wich could be x/30/x/x/20

Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: marsexplorer.7251


this is the reason why if dhumm is moved, it needs to be balanced

Dec. 10th Balance Preview (Necromancer)

in Necromancer

Posted by: marsexplorer.7251


i don’t think dhummfire + fear is OP, even it’s very good, for many reasons. Considering others professions: they all play with stablities, breakstun, blocking. that mean’s fear can miss the target. furthemore, against a warrior full stun, this one has a better cd skills. fear’s cd are longer compare to it. fear doesn’t count as a interrupt, even it interrupts, that means that we can’t use rune of perplexity with it, which would be really OP.

dhummfire cover all other staks bleeding by a another kind of condition dammage. it’s the idea, and give us a little “burst”. about 3k each 10 second. for some professions i’ts the auto attack, which can’t be clean as the same as bleeding.

Some people are talking about “attrition”, but conditionmancer doesn’t means attrition. they don’t realize what it means with gw2 gameplay. Attrition means TIME, but all others profession’s damages are based on bursting. also, if necro wants time, he needs active protection, stabilitie, blocking, evade, ….ect. If Anet give us time by this way, necro would be much OP than fear + dhummfire.
the only way to necro is to deal dammage and survive.

if dhummfire needs to be balanced, a 15 or 20 second icd may be better. i agree with john to moving it into master trait. but don’t move axe training into gm without a up.
25 iCd of weakening shroud is a important nerf