Showing Posts For masheenin.8124:

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: masheenin.8124


I’ve never had anything bad to say about ET, how you run your server or how pro your guilds are. But IoM pumping themselves up on how professional you are, and jumping into GvG’s between HARD and BS is kinda sad.

That is all.

Please don’t contradict yourself when you say that you aren’t “directing comments at IoM as a whole” when you’ve said the above (just going by your post and how they can be interpreted).

This is most likely a misunderstanding, and I hope it will be cleared up when you post the video. I personally do not like accusations without proof, and seeing as you seem to be a reasonable person, I don’t think you like it either.

If there is fault on IoM’s end, we will make sure to take care next time, and reprimand the members involved.

If there is no fault on IoM, I would hopefully expect an apology.