Showing Posts For matthor.6178:

Why matchmaking is not working at the moment

in PvP

Posted by: matthor.6178


If there isnt a mmr hell why in the previous season i reached easy and fast Ruby and now in season 2 i found hell from Amber and i am not able to overcome Emerald? I play in the same way but other players are Always better…not only better then me but better of the most part of my Group. Many players say the same thing…it couldnt be casual so imho anet made a fail somewhere in matchmaking. Moreover if i lose tons of matches why i dont go down and fight with easier groups?

Why matchmaking is not working at the moment

in PvP

Posted by: matthor.6178


I am totally upset about matchmaking. I play casual and i found always better groups than mine so i lost matches 500 vs 100 or around for 10 times and more.I dont know how anet made a so epic fail after the good season before. They needed only to make the same thing that worked well. Now win a game is kinda impossible also at Emerald. It is a good way to lose clients so gg Anet !