Showing Posts For mawricus.9651:

10/19 Desolation vs Far Shiverpeaks vs Kodash

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Actually we don’t complain and we’re looking for US guilds right here:

I’m glad for Ruins successes and applaud their strength.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Exactly. But since doesn’t plan to change the 24h system, we need a nightguard. We do not say, that other servers don’t need it, we just explain, why Far Shiverpeak is an especially good choice for American guilds.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Yeah, it’s all over again, we’re very strong and always leading during prime and even daytime, but we have our problems during night. So we need your help, US mates.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


Scryar, i agree, the score is usually more modest. Still, during most days, FS is the leading server during primetime, even though the margin is smaller, i think all can agree on this. There are exceptions from time to time of course, today is a good example.

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


*You’ll have easy communications. Far Shiverpeaks as a community has done a lot and has still a lot to do to establish strong bond and quick communications. First, we have a very active serverforum on [url=“”][/url], where servermembers can discuss the matters of our world’s developement between eachother and guildleaders and officers have access to special coordination sections to lay out our future strategy. Our teamspeak server,, is still young, but growing and we try to use it more and more often to communicate with anyone, that is willing. For day-to-day use, each officer has access, to an instant chat communication room, so whenever you enter a map you will also know who fights where and how they can help you.

And last, but most important: we are a strong, friendly, welcoming community from all over Europe, where people from dozens of countries manage to work for a single goal. We’ll be glad to welcome you to Far Shiverpeaks.

And, lastly, you don’t need to transfer to FS to see how we play and reach a decision. To give you an overview, i want to present you a video from each of three largest alliances. Those are not for boasting, but for showing how we work from day to day to fight challenging and strong enemies and bring our server forward.

If you’ll think about joining Far Shiverpeaks with your guild, don’t hestitate to PM me, i’ll be glad to answer your question and put you in touch with the other FS leaders.

P.S. and we’ll always like a strong, WvW focused guild on FS, too, we have nearly no queues during European primetime anymore

Remember: Wherever you’re from, YOU ARE WELCOME!

FS inviting US and Latin American guilds to conquer the EU top spot (and Eurpeans welcome, too...)

in WvW

Posted by: mawricus.9651


FS has already one topic on this forums inviting guilds to join us, which, however was an important contribution of a single member, while this topic is an official invitation from the whole FS community

Greetings, my name is Mawricus, i’m a leader of Disorder League, one of the three large alliances on Far Shiverpeaks, currently the European Top#2 server. On behalf of all our alliances and our whole server community, we want to invite all kinds of guilds, large and small, with an interest in WvW to our server. I’ll try to explain why we are doing this and then show why joining Far Shiverpeaks is a great choice, even if you are an US or Latin American guild.

Why are we seeking help?
Far Shiverpeaks is fighting in the top European fixture nearly since release and was very successfull in keeping the second place in Europe against a server with a very heavy nighttime online (Vizhunah Sq) as well as very strong contenders coming and going to the top fixture (Riverside and Desolation). Those fights have coined a great community, costed us heavy efforts, but also awarded great fun. The situation is changing, however. Since 24h a day activity in WvW is pivotal to leading, mononational servers proved a great, nearly unstoppable force. While being strong, but surely beatable during prime, servers like Vizhunah Sq (France), Elona’s Reach (Germany) and Arborstone (France) with their massive online numbers from one country can find enough organized forces to hold all the maps during the time of the night.

Basically speaking, that’s how the map looks like in the European primetime, when Far Shiverpeaks works together as one force, covering all the four maps (the screenshot was taken two days ago):

and that’s what happens between 7PM EST and 4AMEST (1AM MEST till 10AM MEST):

As you see, we suffer precisely during US primetime hours. That will probably see us releagated in the coming week to the second server fixture and while we will probably dominate there and often come back and fight in the first fixture, we will not be able to go again for the Top#1 position, unless more people, especially playing during this hours, want to help us. We are asking for help, clearly, and we need it, but we wouldn’t do this unless we thought, that oversea guilds coming to Far Shiverpeaks will get very cheesy advantages. Here they are.

Why we think Far Shiverpeaks is an excellent choice for an US or Latin American guild:

*You’ll have a challenge, that’s for sure. We don’t invite you to “gate fighting”, during your primetime hours you will face strong enemies with voicechat organization, whose numbers, however, stand managable.
*You’ll fight for the top spot. As you’ve seen, we’re probably the strongest EU server during primetime. Your motivation and engagement will bring just the little bit needed to reach the top rank.
*You’ll not fight alone. We may not be winning over during our nighttime, but we’re active non the less. A lot of guilds organize night raids, especially on weekends we manage to stay up to 4,5,6 AM in the morning with hundreds of organized people, but smaller raids are active during the night too and will actively cooperate with your guild(s) during your primetime. What’s even better, is that we have, that’s my conviction, one of the best PuG-community of all the international servers. There are some people active during the european night, as well as nighttime commanders and even more people that will be glad to follow you if your guild will want to provide commanders.
*You’ll join a strong community. Far Shiverpeaks has a lot of force. Disorder League (Russian), The Northern Assembly (international, mostly Skandinavian) and Balkan Force (from the Balkans ) form the largest three alliances, with a lot of smaller alliances, like Wings of Freedom (Italian) and GW2NL (Dutch) forming strong strikeforces. We have very hardcore WvW guilds with 12h long raids at a day, as well as semihardcore and casual ones, all WvW oriented, making their impact for the common goal. And, as i already said, we have a lot of active WvW players during all times, who always try to cooperate with each other and without whom we would never be one of Europe’s top servers.

(edited by mawricus.9651)