Showing Posts For maxheap.5286:
Please for the love of kittens and all, bring this item back, I would willingly pay 2k gems for it… I still don’t get why it was a 2012 exclusive, the people who started playing 2013 and dropped 3k hours on gw2 (like me) cannot acquire this skin… why?! Please please please bring it back, I am sure a lot of players feeling the same!
Thank goodness they are getting rid of builds that doesn’t shatter. You need to start thinking about positioning clones for your shatters (and use your main class mechanic), rather than put some clones out and go invis for 14 seconds, while they deal 20 stacks of bleed. Though don’t be sad, your rabid perplex PU will still be viable in wvw.
+1 for race change, why would it be so tough to pull it off i don’t know, i am pretty sure they have the assets to do it, maybe don’t want to invest into it as it clearly encourages more hours of gameplay right now.