Showing Posts For mblue.6915:

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: mblue.6915


Phizyn in Guild chat in fact, tells people NOT to act like we own the place. He’s even threatened to boot if he sees it. We DO want to get a long but if you just want to cover your ears and act like you have the moral high ground then I don’t see the point.

I had no idea Phizyn said this and I respect that you acknowledge that this is happening. If I send you screenshots of members in your guild harassing us, will you stand by your word and boot them?

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: mblue.6915


Personally, I understand the source or [PRO]s frustration with Chris. It’s hard to watch a zerg take everything, defend nothing, and watch it get taken right back. I don’t condone the way you guys are handling this, but I understand where it comes from.

That’s not the issue here. Its not about WvW strategy. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING makes this kind of abuse ok. Would you be okay with it if this was happening to you?

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: mblue.6915


“And mblue, you need to just stop talking. You have no idea what you are even saying.
This topic needs to be kept ON topic, about WvW.”

That’s nice. Tell me to shuttup because my viewpoint isn’t worth anything. Belittle my character. Then dismiss me. Great tact. Incredibly respectful action there.

This problem is on topic because this harassment has made the WvW environment incredibly toxic this week. I don’t care if you stay or leave; that is not the issue. The problem is the bullying. Did you see Chris’ screencaps? Did you read them? Because that’s the problem here. Now, balls in your court. Do you have any constructive ways of addressing this problem? Because as long as you keep sending this to us, we’re going to keep on reporting it.

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: mblue.6915



No behavior justifies the messages that you guys have sent us. Take responsibility for your actions.

When you guys showed up, you immediately started bossing us around, telling us what to do, and when we had the nerve to do our own thing, you got angry. Now you guys are throwing a fit and harassing all of us, cursing us, insulting us. And then you have the gall to get angry at us for ignoring you? ARE YOU SERIOUS???

And even now, you’re belittling all of us. We’ve tried to open up an avenue of communication to resolve this like adults, but now you resort to ridiculous name calling.

We’ve been doing our best to mind our own business. We’ve tried to be cordial. But you’re continuing this cycle of online bullying and it needs to stop. Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your members because this needs to STOP NOW.

(edited by mblue.6915)