Showing Posts For me Jojo.5930:
0/15 types of Enemies.
Wasn’t that obvious?
Yeah Basilisk Venom needs some love. It lasts for only 1.5 seconds, and the cast time is not doing it any good. Also, it gets resisted a lot, for an Elite with that cooldown, cast time and condition duration you’d at least give it a 100% chance on hitting. Either make it work in every possible case or reduce cast time and/or increase condition duration. From 1.5 to 2s would be a great start (3s is probably overdoing it).
Please though, don’t take away the skill or replace it with another. The ability to turn your target into stone is amazing if you use a glass cannon backstab build.
Roll for Initiative
Not sure if it’s working as intended but, it does not work like evade, and it should IMO. When I walk backwards and using this skill rolls me 10 meters in a completely different direction just because of angle/latency issues is REALLY frustrating in WvW. Currently it makes you roll away from your TARGET, even if they are between you and the camera, in which case, you roll in the complete opposite direction you’d want to roll towards.
But it’s halloween..! This weapon lets you recreate a scene from The Mummy! :>