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Story Skipped or Changed? [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: meangreen.2873


Character: Ru Da Begga (Sylvari)

My friend and I were purposefully running identical characters so we could quest and run the story line together. We have both been unable to join one another on various instances. If I run in first, he never gets the option to join and vice versa. We’ve made it to the part where you choose an order. He ran the story and I joined. He picked the priory, it asked would i like to continue my story, I selected yes. I assumed since he made the decision, it would have the same decision made for me. That is the way it has been so far. We leave the area, he’s priory and now I’ve mysteriously joined the vigil??? Our whole point in making identical characters and picking the exact same options is so we can run ONE story line. Now we’re separated. Please address this issue.