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How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mekanic.3297


1. Who here, still come to forums but play the game much less?
Yep, guilty. I hope the game comes out alright but better ways to spend free time have come up.

2. When did you start playing less?
The lost shores event. Lag and getting diconnected and screwed out of the first events rewards made me say “There are better ways to spend my time out there”

3. Why / What caused the decline in time spent?
I was already getting bored with the skinner box mechanics by the time the lost shores hit, it was just the final tipping point. That combined with this and SW:TOR being my only forays into mmorpgs, I’m firmly back to viewing the entire genre as “button mashers” and now have no plans to come back. The story was underwhelming, gameplay horribly simple, repetitive, and grindy. Pvp was boring as all get out. I’ll probably come back for events but that’s it.