Showing Posts For minichibi.9387:

why are dungeons dead?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: minichibi.9387


they are dead now because of the gold reward at the end got nerfed to about 20 silver and only 5g for every 8 paths you run, wereas befor you got 1g50ish silver per path and 1-3g for arah paths, so people go to places like verdant brink and fractals molten duo to farm valuable trophies to get there money now, if they didn’t change the rewards there would still be a lot of groups on the dungeon lfg AC-CM-SE-TA-CoF-CoE-Arah were always full of lfg now its dead

The Dreamer sound issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387


I asked them about the sound problem a while back myself to be honest I don’t think they will fix it, yet were stuck with the bolt and kudzu sounds with no problems :/

Superior rune of the undead

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387


so i thought this was working until I did a fractals with my hero panel up to check if the traits which give added toughness in battle were being converted into the undeads % bonus conversion for more condition damage I’m wondering, is this intentional since its a trait and not a boon like might which gives added to certain stats regardless of runes/traits

noise bug ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387


My ‘The Dreamer’ wepon dose not make the noises I made it for anymore when i use it but I can hear it from other people via there skype and teamspeak, i can hear every effect in the game just not my pony bow why is this ? Is it a bug that only im stuck with? Or are other people experiencing this disapointment in no pony bow noises

Game crashing on start-up (patch 19/5/2015)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387


did they rush the patch or something so much went wrong still cant reinstall it without it trying to update the friggle patch ! >:[, still no email for help q.q maybe the teams on it :O

Game crashing on start-up (patch 19/5/2015)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387



If anyone is still experiencing a problem please contact customer support.

still not working for me and sent them stuff 7 and a half hours ago and still waiting ! hope its not a week wait this time because i was really enjoying repeating living story >.<

(edited by minichibi.9387)

Game crashing on start-up (patch 19/5/2015)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: minichibi.9387


i sorta got the same prob still waiting for them to reply to my ticket i sent, game tried to patched crashed now i gotta reinstall the game but the patch buged not letting it even instal just goes straight to frigin patch>error fml :<

what is happening?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: minichibi.9387


The game is slowly becoming unplayable with lagg spikes every 5 seconds or ones that last until you get fed up and shut the game off even worse in pvp then it is in pve but both are becoming unplayable, are you guys still trying to figure what the problem is ? Only thing that seems doable is talking to people and not being able to do dungons etc because of the massive lagg spikes