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Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


Please no. I don’t want another World of Warcraft, I like GW2 because there is no mounts to deal with covering npcs, no riding/flying to upgrade, no mobs/bosses being sniped from above, etc. Plus, GW2 is hardly dying. The guild I’m on here always has someone on and chat is always moving, compared to WoW where the only time you see guild chat move is when someone says ‘grats’ to an achieve and trade chat is the only place you see convos going on.
So please. The grass is only greener on the other side because there’s more bullkitten to be had.

Too much pushing for gem buying(edit) [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


…… The World of Warcraft forums are that way. —-->

I’m literally surprised by how people are acting about this.

Go play Trickster Online for a month. Don’t worry, it’s free to play and I’ll wait for ya. Or even better. Go play ArcheAge. You want gouging for money every step of the way? Those are your games.
Anet is advertising something that was in game when I started playing in March. It is not something new, it is not a legasp bait and switch. Hell, I’ve even used it after buying gems and getting the items I wanted and going wtf can I use 8 gems on? OH I can convert them into gold? Nice. Why you are getting pitchforky over an ad, I have no clue. Did I need gems to hit level 80? No. Did I need gems to get gear? No. The only time I needed gems was to get the living season 2 story. Everything else was vanity items I didn’t want to wait on the black lion chest for. I’m surprised you aren’t crying about the fact that you can convert gold to gems.

(edited by miraude.2107)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: miraude.2107


I had to think about this for a while, look back on some things and will try to form this in the right words.
I came from World of Warcraft. I bought the deluxe versions of Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor. $70 for each plus tax. Of course, you needed previous versions to play the game. If you bought the standard version and decided hey, I want to by the Deluxe version, you could at a discounted price. The standard version is $50.
With the lull in content from World of Warcraft, I went to Elder Scrolls Online. $60 plopped for the Explorer Edition in Wal-mart because that was all I could find. I do enjoy the cloth map. I did the upgrade to the Imperial edition for $20 more.
I do go back to both those games. The main reason I left is mostly I got burnt out. Lulls in content and the subscription fees (before ESO when B2P) were the main reasons. A friend bought me Guild Wars 2 as a birthday gift. I truly like this game. If either WoW or ESO had the community online that this game does, I would never have given this game a shot. I was extremely excited for this expansion but the pre-order makes me back up.
I can understand wanting to get new players in but packaging the standard pre-order as this is strange. Sure the expac is $50, I’m not gonna really dispute the price. That’s average. What am I gonna do with a free copy of a game I already have? I can’t gift it. Everyone I know that plays video games already has it. I probably can’t sell the code because it is tied into the expansion, which is what I want to buy in the first place. So I’m stuck. I don’t want deluxe or ultimate. The extra slot isn’t much of an appeal neither are the shinies attached to it. Beta access has always been meh to me, same as the title. I would probably never use either one of them. Now the doubt sets in on if I even want to buy the expansion. What if there will not be an option after release of expac only?
So please consider doing a standard edition for existing players. Give us a choice and add that to the other standard edition, along with deluxe and ultimate so they don’t get left out. Have two versions, one for new players with a choice of a cash shop item. One for existing players, sans the free copy of the base game, with a choice of a cash shop item. Have the cash shop item be one of the permanent gathering tools. Maybe make a vendor in Lion’s Arch that excepts special ‘Thorn’ tickets to redeem with the purchase of the expansion and we can choose whether we want a permanent axe, sickle or pick. It would be at least a small resolution to those that want to support the game but may not have the funds or an interest in the shinies on the deluxe and ultimate versions.

Personal Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: miraude.2107


I haven’t seen any mention of this and finally decided to ask.

We all start out with ‘friends’. Charr have a warband to rebuild, asura have their krewe, etc. All is okay until you hit 30 when it goes all dragons. Is there any word about going back to a ‘race’ style story for a bit before going all dragon again? I for one would enjoy being able to go out with my charr’s warband again. Mostly because the only one I remember is Dinky and that’s only because he is listed under the My Story tab. So has there been any word that we will go back to our roots or is it just going to be dragon hour again?

Too sudden build up of LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


Nope, not to sudden at all. I mean they could pull what Blizzard has done and do a ‘gradual’ rebuilding. They are now two expansions past Cataclysm and Stormwind is STILL being rebuilt. I think. Maybe. They’ll get to it when they get to it, I guess.

I started playing after Lion’s Arch was destroyed. It would be nice to see a game actually address a place being destroyed and then rebuilt. It really fits in with the whole Living Story thing and would be silly for it not to be seeing as from what I’ve wiki’d and read, there was a couple of months in between the first and second season. It would be nice to see it rebuilt before the expansion drops so I can explore it again.

Lack of official merchandise- Ideas?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


I would love to see iron on patches of the professions, the orders and of the races. Car decals would be awesome too.

Something else would be that you guys seem to sell the wall prints. Seeing more of those would be great. Different places, some with the dragons, or maybe custom ones that we can put our own characters in. Different sizes would be wonderful as well in case someone doesn’t want the whole wall covered.

(edited by miraude.2107)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


I don’t know if this has been mentioned (not going through 44 pages) so tossing it up.

I want jokes. To be able to type /joke /silly or some other thing and have my norn go ‘Did you see that Asura walk into the bar? Yeah, he didn’t see it either.’ or something else ridiculous like a Trojan Ball of String to use against the charr.

AFK Timer in PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


I was actually surprised at how long the AFK timer is in this game. I left one time, went to the kitchen to get a snack, get distracted by the TV, thought oh yeah forgot to log and came back to find myself still logged on and actually getting xp from events I did not participate in. I’ll be honest. That’s screwed up. I didn’t hit any mobs, do anything at all and still got rewarded for it. They really do need to look at what is considered participation in an event. I don’t know if maybe hitting the world boss, doing a certain amount of damage, etc would help with the issue at hand as there are different types of events.

A month has passed since the sale....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: miraude.2107


I am enjoying the game quite a bit and almost have one character up to 80 (I alt hopped and deleted a lot before I found a character I liked) so hopefully I’ll be able to catch up before the new expansion pops out.

I think the one thing I would really love to see would be a barbershop. There were times I thought I got a face just right, got to the first story cut-scene thing and realize that I screwed up this or that. It could use a crap-ton of gold, I would definitely use that feature. Listing the ‘exclusive’ styles from the self-style kit (put a lock on them with a ‘must buy self-style kit) would be a plus too. I’ve been wanting to get one of those kits for a while but of course every character is different. Looking at a wiki picture is not the same as checking it out on your actual character.