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Cannot progress with Pet Seedling

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mogstomp.3629


My responses to my tickets so far have been"

Me – “I already combined my erroneously issued seed into a pot to make a seedling. Can I have the pot back and the correct seed?”
Ego – “Give us time, we are assessing the issue.”

Me – “Any update? I’m really worried that I wasted a lot of time and materials on items I can’t use. I realized that I made the Attuned Grow Lamp, Chaos Infused Clay Pot and the Package of Leyline Dusted Plant Food and none of these are applicable to the seedling I have”
Draghna – “When did you combine the seed into a seedling?”
Me- "At this time. "
Metatron – “Use the NPC merchant to swap out your current seed for a cultivated seed”
Me – “I don’t HAVE that seed any more. I said it’s a seedling.”

:P No resolution for me yet.

Jim Shapiro [TFD] of the Northern Shiverpeaks

cultivated seed swapped with pet seed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mogstomp.3629


Here is a list of items I have lost because I have crafted recipe items for a recipe I can’t complete. I was one of the people who had their seed swapped to a pet seed and foolishly made it into the seedling. That’ll teach me to play on patch day.

I have crafted the following items, not realizing I can’t do anything with them because Arenanet gave me the wrong item.

Attuned Grow Lamp
Chaos Infused Clay Pot
Package of Leyline Dusted Plant Food

Base materials wasted from Package of Ley Line Dusted Plant Food
100 Pile of Bloodstone Dust
100 Thick Leather Section
14 Potent Venom Sac
14 Vial of Potent Blood
14 Large Bone
14 Pile of Incandescent Dust
Pile of Ley Line Dust

Base materials wasted from Chaos Infused Clay Pot
20 Foxfire Cluster
100 Pile of Bloodstone Dust
15 Pile of Incandescent Dust
25 Thermocatalytic Reagent
5 Glob of Ectoplasm
175 geodes
Chaos Orb

Base materials wasted from attuned Grow Lamp
3 Bloodstone Brick
4 Essence of Luck (exotic)
10 Charged Quartz Crystal
10 Orichalcum Setting
25 Sunstone Lump
25 Watchwork Sprocket
Enormous Foxfire Cluster

If Arenanet would just give me the proper cultivated seed, I could progress as normal and continue as normal towards the ascended version.

If not, I would like to have all these items refunded to me. The loss of the foxfire clusters and of the time gated materials are really hurting.

I have placed a ticket and am hoping for the best.

Jim Shapiro [TFD] of the Northern Shiverpeaks

Well, I defended these new events at first..

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: mogstomp.3629


First time posting.

I do love the event.. and despite the never-ending failures of my server, I feel closer to the community of my server than I ever have. We’re trying hard, we really are. However, I share in the opinion of some of the posts in this thread. I believe a tweak is in order to nudge it back from a depressing barricade. We completed the event once, when the major WvW guild was heavily invested in its success, but not since. Individuals who weren’t there for that one win are losing hope. There are some pretty interesting suggestions in this thread. Brighter minds than mine could find a solution.

I just wanted to say that I’m seeing a lot of “keep in mind for the future”, “designs will influence events” and “if I could go back in time”.

I can understand not wanting to change released content, due to affecting the perception of the achievement for those who have completed it vs. those who have not at this point. Or.. an unknowable plethora of other factors that would affect not wanting to change the event that can only be viewed from a development perspective.

I’d like to know if the developer opinion is if it’s too late to retool the event after these improvement observations have been made in hindsight?

Will the event continue as is for the duration of its lifespan?

Jim Shapiro [TFD] of the Northern Shiverpeaks