Showing Posts For muiem.1748:
Since i left my old raid guild today, because they were not interested in raiding anymore, I would like to join another guild, to weekly clear raids and trying out some stuff (like 9 pp sabetha etc).
I am looking for:
*a fixed spot in a raidgroup which clears weekly
*interested in making some progress and optimize their classes/setup
I am offering:
*(-64li (experienced in w1w2 except matthias(30%), eternal, slippery slubling)
*full asc temp(d/w, staff, d/f, s/-)
*full asc magi/viper druid (sb, a/t, staff)
*full asc chrono (s/f/sh, 100% boonduration or 17% as needed)
*full asc viper engineer (p/p)
*languages are english/german
feel free to contact me ingame muiem.1748 and/or answer to this thread
im new to guardian and would like to get a quick guide to use him at fighting against the champs during the event at sw