Showing Posts For mwobey.6702:
no more Ticket cap , i just got 14 tickets on the first Diamond Chest after finishing diamond tier.
This is unintended. There is supposed to be a weekly ticket cap and we will be fixing this.
Out of curiosity, why is unlimited ticket potential not a desirable feature? The psychology of a weekly cap makes the grind feel much longer, when in reality many of us (especially those who aren’t receiving double pips through years of backlogged WXP) won’t actually be playing enough WvW for it to be relevant. Additionally, the closest analog to tickets, ascended shards of glory, don’t appear to be similarly gated with a seasonal max. I’d love more insight into the thinking behind some of the differences in design choices between the two paths.
I…. what? The sole damaging condition that druid adds to ranger is a piddly trickle of poison on Glyph of Alignment, and I guess the bleeding on Ancient Seeds if you don’t target the vines or condi cleanse and literally walk out. Staff is exclusively damage/healing, and the up front damage on the other glyphs scales off power. So first: it seems as if you’re not complaining about condition druid, but rather condition ranger.
Ranger has decent condition damage, but it all offers a great deal of counterplay. Traps can be avoided or walked away from to avoid the majority of the damage, everything on shortbow and main hand axe can be reflected (the SB AA doesn’t even bleed if you face the ranger,) spirits have the tank power of wet paper and will die just from the cleave on the ranger…
Is there anything specific you’re having trouble with that you’d like advice on?
This also happened to me — I chose “let an innocent die”, and I also got the Shell Shock/Syska line. I caught it because during the Battle at Fort Trinity, Traehearne started talking about someone named Tonn as if I were supposed to know this person… After that mission, my story reverted back to Syska with Delivering Justice.