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Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in PvP

Posted by: naia.4601


Maybe this was explained but not super clear to me. For those of us at level 80 who may have even unlocked all the grandmaster traits that were added later, will we have access to those when this revamp goes live? I don’t really want to have to try and get traits and skills all over again(EDIT: or whatever their future incarnation will be) that I currently have access to. I get the new elite trait lines needing to be unlocked however.

Final Fantasy Characters in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


FF4 is one of and my husband’s favorite games. All of his toons are named after FF4 people and two of mine. Hopefully he’ll post his later but for now here’s mine: My norn engineer Cid, named after the Cid from FF4 (I really hope hammers are what the engis get in their specialization so he can use them like the FF counterpart does) and my main, my human elementalist named after Barbariccia, the fiend of wind. Her FF counterpart is pretty naked though, so I had to improvise a bit. Her hair and clothing are also different colors depending on which version of FFIV you are looking at. I normally have her run around with a bit more clothing on.


GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: naia.4601


I’m following up on ticket 1234141. I submitted it on February 14th that I could not link my GW1 account with my GW2 account. Got a response two weeks later that my accounts were linked. Obviously that isn’t true or I wouldn’t have sent the request. I replied as such, got another response two weeks later that after “verifying my accounts determined I could log in.” I don’t even know what that means in relation to linking my accounts. That was nine days ago and I’m kind of tired of waiting weeks for a reply when I’m not entirely sure they understand what my issue is (maybe I’m not clear?). They’re still not linked and I’m wondering if the issue is that I had a different email address for my Guild Wars 1 account than I do with my GW2 account. When I tried linking them again recently it just created another account with an ID thats a long string of numbers (the email and string are in my most recent reply). Am I screwed because they have different email addresses? Can I still get those accounts linked?

EDIT: I tried changing my email address of my GW1 account to match my GW2 account and couldn’t becaused everything is now unified under GW2 now or something. So I can’t even make that change to try and fix it.

(edited by naia.4601)

kids in reconnaissance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: naia.4601


five months and nothing has been updated about this? I’m trying to do this mission right now and it’s still bugged. I have patroled every other area. This is the one green marker that won’t disappear. Please look into this.

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


I still hate the world boss schedule. It supports nothing but a massive mob of people primarily spamming 1 and getting rewarded for it. Even if there is an event that must be done before a boss starts, most people just stand around and wait for others to do it for them. So laziness is rewarded too. Great.

Its understandable why they introduced a timer schedule on World Bosses – because there just weren’t that many people to do them all right? But now we have a megaserver system and there are just TOO MANY people running about.

Why not return to them all being Dynamic Events? It would spread people out across the maps to do various bosses as they see fit. Want to do Karka? Go to Southsun and start pushing pre-events. Want to do Modnir? Go to Hirathi and start pushing pre-events. There would be enough people on the maps to push – especially if there were no longer a MegaZerg train to follow.

This would also solve the issue of people not being able to do certain bosses anymore because of their own life schedules. Would also make it easier to get guilds/friends/servers on the same maps together.

I still think in the case of Teq and Triple Wurm a schedule is good because those two require as many people as possible and some organization for success. I think groups randomly trying to organize those two fights whenever would be a nightmare. And thats also why there’s the guild spawning option. I do like your suggestions for the lesser bosses and Karka Queen though.

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


Some sort of API or easy way to figure the schedule out would be great, especially since it’s now different with this new patch. That being said, I do want to thank the team for making the Mega Bosses become available more often. There’s lots of kittening on these forums, so I know it’s appreciated when someone actually talks about something being done RIGHT. Now I just don’t know when exactly the other bosses show up :P

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


I would also like to chime in with another suggestion that I don’t think has been brought up yet. Can we please space out the time between when the megabosses show up? Them being an hour apart when Teq and the Wurm both require major set up forces players to choose one or the other. Thanks to this schedule TTS now has announced at least for NA players that in any given day they’re picking to do one but not both. This is not their fault and I totally understand its too much for the leaders to try to do both. I’m saddened by this for them and totally upset with ANet for this.

I don’t give two kittens about the Great Jungle Wurm at least until the rewards equate to the difficulty of the fight. I got my Great Jungle Wurm slayer title and I’m highly unlikely to do the fight again (At this point I don’t even care about killing all three heads at once. Why would I when it would be mostly beyond my control? It stinks killing your head and sitting there hoping the other two groups do it too). Tequatl on the other hand, I would do ten times a day if I could. It’s my favorite fight in the entire game. It’s just difficult enough that it requires teamwork, and it’s not a total DPS check either. And now the NA TTS players may not even get to FIGHT Tequatl on some days. That breaks my heart.

So aside from EVERYTHING else everyone said, I would also appreciate if they were spaced out a little bit better. Could they be 90 minutes apart so it still falls into “prime time?” Two hours? Something to would allow people to not feel like they have to choose? I don’t even do Karka Queen anymore because I want to be sure I am there for setting up for Teq. I don’t think this was the intention of the universal schedule, was it?

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


I think people are confusing what the megaserver is doing for population during boss fights and this is about the general schedule. I think for most of us the megaserver is not the problem: it’s the rigid schedule that’s the problem, particularly with Wurm Karka and Teq. I thought this thread was to focus on feedback for the latter, not the former.

If it’s a hardware issue as some may have suggested and the game can’t handle more than one world boss at a time, I think they may have bigger problems. I don’t play other MMO’s but I’m pretty sure every other one out there, F2P or not can handle it. At this point I also find it disconcerting that there has been NO response from ANet. I don’t think people are being too critical here and there have been some great suggestions on how to fix the situation…anyone? Bueller?

Game Updates: World Boss Synchronization

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


I wish we could hear an actual explanation to the restrictions implemented as a result of this schedule. Why is it so bad for more than one meta boss to be occurring at the same time? One thing that hadn’t occurred to me but I’ve noticed today in the towns and PvP (where I believe megaserver has been implemented) that my desktop can’t handle rendering the other players. This wasn’t a problem before. The lag we could potentially see in boss fights might be absurd, and people with less than the latest and greatest may have trouble actually ATTACKING the bosses. Then they don’t get credit.

ANet, please listen to us. I’m very happy with everything else overall, barring some minor things that should be fixed. I’m fine with a universal schedule, but for quaggan’s sake, could we have more than one boss going on at once? This would allow these bosses to spawn more and give more people the opportunity to enjoy the content.

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: naia.4601


I think the megaserver idea is fine with the easier world boss metas. It’s annoying when one server doesn’t pop a meta in ages. This will kind of solve that. I’m guessing that EOTM is an example of this idea put into effect and I love that every time I pop on there are tons of people running around. My concern however is in the bigger fights such as the big world bosses and temple runs. How are people going to plan doing temple fights when we have no idea which ones are actually open, which are contested etc, without popping onto the map itself. It leads to what many have already said is spending more money just to waypoint. It kind of negates the whole free armor repairs.

One suggestion would be to implement the waypoint system on every map that works in towns: Once you WP to a map it costs no money to travel to another waypoint in the same map.

Now regarding the boss schedule, the biggest problem for me is the lack of frequency of the major bosses. I’m fine with the schedule for the lesser stuff, although it makes me concerned when new bosses get added if were going to have to deal with a schedule reset for everything EVERY time a new world boss gets added into the mix. While it doesn’t happen super often, it would still be annoying. With a boss fight that requires tons of organization and potential for messing up, WHY decrease the amount of guaranteed times the bosses show up? The Wurm and Teq timers are perfect as they are right now. With a 24 hour time frame Teq shows up 4:30am (which I will never do), 10:00am (which I will most likely never do because work day/school day) and 7pm. That means for each time zone, theres’ realistically one chance to fight these bosses. They require way too much work to then be so limited on when they show up. There will be more fighting to get onto those and bring unnecessary drama and whining.

The guild “compromise” does not provide the freedom that I think was the intent in providing this feature. Will there still be a limit on the number of merits that can be spent a week? How much will this actually cost? Even if you pool a bunch of guilds together, be it TTS or otherwise, it limits the amount of times those fights will realistically need to be done. I don’t think the devs realize how many times these bosses get fought a day. I suggest making this unlock cost a huge amount of merits/influence but could be used unlimited amount of times and put some sort of cool down on it, like an hour or something. That would solve the problem, but still encourage guilds to cooperate with each other on the timing of those activations.

I do not think it’s being pretentious or feeling a sense of entitlement that people want to have as many chances fighting these bosses as possible. Even if you kept everything else the same with the megaserver features what is so bad about having those fights happen more than once every eight hours? It’ll just lead to more griefing, people whining, yelling at PUGs for messing up fights (instead of teaching, being reasonable and organized). Either that or maybe I’m a terrible cynic that is underestimating the community.

Finally, this isn’t clear to me, is this new schedule being activated on the 15th or when the megaservers get rolled out? I don’t see the point in this schedule before that happens but there seems to be some confusion. If there is still time I would strongly suggest against it.

Tequatl Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: naia.4601


I can also vouch for the things people are saying above. I also second that I think it’s specifically too much DPS during the burn phase. If he’s given the chance to get out of his stun and can do his shockwave attack, the event goes as normal. I’ve been able to fight him without him bugging out and him bugging out and that seems to be the difference.

Aside from the invisible Teq, the voice overs that normally warn the players of his actions i.e. breathing/shockwave etc do not say anything other than warning “the Target is in the air” when the battery phase SHOULD begin. This may be obvious, but this may help in finding where in the code things are freaking out.

I should also point out that when he does reappear after the 25% battery phase he appears where the zerg is, not necessarily where he’s supposed to land. whatever battery phase that gets missed the player does not get a dragon chest for, but will get the others.

Tequatl, Blackgate server

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: naia.4601


This happened on Darkhaven and IOJ too in the last day or so, and here’s a few things I observed which may help fix the bug quicker:

1)It seems to trigger when people really wail on Teq and get his health down to 50% before his stun ends. It’s like too much DPS at once freaks the event out.

2) He can be targeted but only with AOEs and melee weapons. The turrets can’t target him and his bone wall eventually appears, which then means having to attack the bonewall.

3) The server I was on tried to just damage the invisible Teq in hopes it would fix itself once he hits 25% of his HP. The battery phase triggers but Teq still remains invisible and the timer gets screwy.

4) Since Teq is gone the VOs that talk about what he’s doing (ie when he’s gonna stomp, breath etc) are absent too.

Either way, I’ve never seen him bug out like this until recently. I’d look into the way the programming is handling damage numbers after the first battery phase. Version 2.0 of Teq is one of my favorite fights in the game and I don’t want to have that be sullied by some apparently very screwy bugs that have started to happen.

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: naia.4601


Will this group continue to fight Tequatl even after the hype dies down and there is new Living Story stuff? I’ve been lucky enough to beat Tequatl, but I would like to be able to fight him in the future. If that’s the case, I would really like an invite too please

Is WvW fair ?

in WvW

Posted by: naia.4601


I disagree with all of you. There is a difference between making things challenging and making things impossible. I pretty much can’t explore one whole area because of how imbalanced the three US servers are. I do come in and help, but there are other things I want to do in Guild Wars besides WvW. I shouldn’t have to “deal with it” or “roll a theif and break the game” when I am 80% complete with my ranger.

I have gotten some vistas and POI’s by sneaking in and dodging opponents. That can be a fun part of WvW. It isn’t much fun when I can only access one waypoint because the other two servers have claimed everything else and can only go so far.

Furthermore, why are there jumping puzzles in WvW? I spent two and a half hours of my life trying to do the jumping puzzle at Eternal Battlegrounds. Most of the time when people from other servers come, the unspoken thing is to let people be so they can do the puzzle and move on. People who are there are NOT in WvW to do combat and take over keeps. I can do that in other parts of the world. If I’m in a jumping puzzle, I want to do the puzzle. Some jerk team of a warrior and mesmer (why are mesmers always the kitten?) killed me and my fellow guild member just as we were about to reach the treasure. Can someone explain to me why waisting two hours of my life focusing on one aspect of Guild Wars, only to have it taken away in thirty seconds is “fun?”