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Guild Wars 2 | Guild Compendium

in Guilds

Posted by: nicca.1780


Home World: Sanctum of Rall
Guild Name: Timey-Wimey Companions
Guild Website:
In-Game Contact: Niccet (nicca.1780) or Maglim (Drifter.4280)
Focus: being awesome, and a bit wibbly-wobbly as well.
Quick Notes:
TWC is a small guild made up of friends and friends of friends and random great people, most of us coming from various MMOs where we did an awful lot of group events/raids/PvP and etc. We’d like to do the same here. Our officers are EST, but we have members from several time zones. Vent is up and running, and we’re looking for more players who are active and want to contribute to a fun and even slightly competitive group atmosphere. Accepting adults ages 18+ with some exceptions made on a per-case basis. We’d love to have you!