Showing Posts For nightraven.4513:

Loosing participation after game crash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Well at roughly 2am est I got disconnected yet again. However this time I managed to come back with my Event participation still full. Was this a fluke or was something ninja’d in while we were playing? LOL. Well only way to find out is to d/c again and see what happens. Shouldn’t take too long for results to come in haha.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

Loosing participation after game crash

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: nightraven.4513


This is truly starting to to frustrate me. The constant server crashes lately can be understood up until now. It’s been a week and there’s a “repair” (LOL) everyday. These server fixes do little to fix the constant crashing everyone has been having and in some cases locks players out. It seems whenever I have 200% participation my game ALWAYS crashes and I lose out on the better loot and exp. This has happened about nine times and I’m about to say forget the meta event’s because I lose out at the end anyway. It almost seems as some maps are suffering player lose because of this. This has been going on for a week ANET needs to figure this out or at least refund players for the consistent disconnections and lose of progress in zones.

Anyone else experiencing this issue??

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

11/15 SBI/DB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Greetings from Valley… again

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

11/15 SBI/DB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


All this Hate from DB is music to my ears (or eyes for that matter). I hear all sorts of things from DB on how they never liked us. But the past is the past.

We simply play WvW differently then what is “expected” of people who play. Last time I checked there’s no rules on how your supposed to fight someone, “all is fair in Love & War”. Hero may not be the best at open field combat, but that’s not our thing. We play for points for the server, we always have and always will. Whats so wrong with taking an enemy keep and stopping them from taking it back? Isn’t that what your supposed to do in WvW? The ultimate goal is to paint the map what ever color you are, at least that’s what I thought it was. Hero has many experienced siege users, why not use that to your advantage? Again something that any leader would do, use what you have to gain Advantage over your opponent. We learned from BP that supply draining cows are a kitten, adapt and learn. I personally don’t see anything wrong with what we did, we just play differently then what is “expected” of us i guess, oh well.

As for Dragonbrand…… I can’t help but laugh knowing that every call out basically requires if [Hero] is in the area….. really? Well We’re flattered you think so much of us. DB has the potential to be what it used to be….. if your guilds worked together better. Everyone seems to be out to make themselves look good. You all simply refuse to work with one another. Your server meeting never got anywhere, it was always my way or gtfo (most server meetings seem to be the same way). Why not use the hated towards us to unify the server under one purpose? That sounds like something that could work lol. We’ve taken lots of Keeps while in DB, you all never complained then, why start now? Your the only server to cry publicly about us taking your keep and holding it.

Well that’s it for me, Look forward to see you all again from inside your keep again

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

11/1 SBI/IoJ/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Fun fights again for me. Although we win the open field fights most of the time in EBG both Yaks and IoJ fight kitten hard to hold their towers. I know the commanders before weren’t able to get OL all day. I don’t know where you guys got the supplies but they just kept coming lol. You guys held strong throughout that fight, props to you guys.
+1 to IoJ for taking everything else while we were fighting for OL. I don’t think anyone noticed until after the fight. kitten you for foiling my golem rush on your keep before I went to bed. I must say for being the underdogs you guys have my respect for stating out and trying!! See you all on the battlefield again.

Were you commanding in ebg NA prime last night? If so Y U RUN AWAY FROM MEND SIEDED QL T.T, if not sorry I’m just extremely sad we couldn’t farm 100 people there..

I didn’t start until 11:30-midnight est. I did send a small group to try and pull some Yaks away from OL before I started my attack.

Also, the zombie SBI horde reference is awesome.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

11/1 SBI/IoJ/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Fun fights again for me. Although we win the open field fights most of the time in EBG both Yaks and IoJ fight kitten hard to hold their towers. I know the commanders before weren’t able to get OL all day. I don’t know where you guys got the supplies but they just kept coming lol. You guys held strong throughout that fight, props to you guys.

+1 to IoJ for taking everything else while we were fighting for OL. I don’t think anyone noticed until after the fight. kitten you for foiling my golem rush on your keep before I went to bed. I must say for being the underdogs you guys have my respect for stating out and trying!! See you all on the battlefield again.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

18/10 SBI - FA - DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Dat SBI dorrito zerg rolling FA last night. Get on Tag you NOOBS!!

I have little memory on actually rolling FA last night. Of course I wasent all there lol. Did we actually beat FA in a fight? I had a riot leading that last night, I know everyone on TS was enjoying themselves.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

18/10 SBI - FA - DB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


Great fights last night in EBG. Always fun fighting my old server, only had to fall back a few times. I’ll give DB credit though, you’ve always been a for force to reckon with when backed into a corner. I know for next time never let you guys into a tower when I’m trying to take it lol. FA you guys….. you and SM lol. The militia and myself have greatly enjoyed the fights to hold SM. You guys get me on the open field from time to time but we hold out for a while lol. Oh and thanks DB keeping FA busy while I got everyone up to the third floor for the retake.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

10/4/13 Mag/FA/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


I see a lot of talk on a ton of guilds leaving DB to SBI. Last time I checked most went to T1 servers. Which guilds went to SBI?

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


24 golems, sos keep in less then 1 minute…. because we can

Impressive! This looks like SM, no? is still showing it being owned by DB. (or are you on DB, I can’t really tell).

We took it and ported all golems back to SM. A random person started to line them up.

[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nightraven.4513


24 golems, sos keep in less then 1 minute…. because we can


[Hero] Luna Lockhart
EBG Militia Commander
Stormbluff Isle