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Personal Story Difficulty Unacceptable

in Personal Story

Posted by: nillian.2163


Please bear in mind I haven’t read all 7 pages of this thread, so I apologise if these suggestions have been made before.

Reading the thread I see 2 obvious conclusions:

1) I did it fine on my Thief
2) I did it fine on my Warrior

that also corrisponds with the sentiment all over the forum about those 2 classes.

This reflects my personal experience also. I’ve had no difficulty at all in PvE with my Warrior (except Champs, ofc)

The personal story if anything is too easy. Again, as a Warrior.

Warriors have reasonably good crowd-focused abilities (with off-hand axes, greatsword, hammer etc) and some good AoE with longbows. Crowds of mobs are rarely an issue if you’re equipped to cope.

I can appreciate that other professions might have difficulty with this. I don’t have vast experience with the other professions but it’s almost always the case that some classes are better with crowds of mobs than others.

Instead of calling for a “blanket nerf” (as someone did earlier in this thread) maybe ANet could think about changing the number/frequency/level/type of mobs coming at the player depending on their profession and trait selection?

(The following is just an example – I have no idea if this is accurate with regard to mesmers or not; it only serves to illustrate my point)
A mesmer may get a better, ‘fairer’ challenge given one Veteran, whereas a Warrior may have a more challenging experience with 7 similar-level trash mobs that apply lots of conditions.

I guess it all comes down to playing towards the strengths/weaknesses of a character’s profession/build. Provide a challenge for them, but not something that clearly disadvantages them – it currently seems to favour particular professions over others.

And after all, isn’t this is a “Personal” story?