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Cold resistance

in Living World

Posted by: odrez.8409


I did the story step yesterday. Logged off to proceed today but lost the buff. So I made another elixir today, but my wife didnt get the buff, while i did. So we have to try again tomorrow. This is untolerable, we want to do the story and all we do is run around the new map for stuff we need, without knowing it will work the next time.

Same for us, we logged out yesterday and wanted to continue today. Buff was gone, took us quite some time to realize what had happened. We’re currently working on another elixir – hope it works.

If this is a bug, it’s a nasty one. If not, it’s still a pretty bad design choice to base a story step on something that is daily bound.

[edit] I made another one and it worked for both of us. Phew.

(edited by odrez.8409)

Native Linux client

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409


Hey! We recently had a thread about this in the forums. You should find many answers there.

I’ll link you the post I wrote, basically because I concentrated on gw2 with wine (which usually runs quite well).

Also just to make sure you have read this wiki page:

I also experienced a lot of performance gain by playing on a lightweight DE, like xfce4 or openbox.

The only thing I still think gw2 on wine lacks is proper performance when a lot of players are around. In other areas I’m now getting stable 20-30fps with wine-staging (1.9.x), CSMT enabled on Apricity OS (Arch). I always use PlayOnLinux for that and I created a soft link to the gw2.dat so that it doesn’t occupy double disk space.

Native Linux client

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409


As a Linux user I’m pretty surprised finding that topic on the official forums. Good to see that I’m not the only one who would like to play this game Linux.

However, there are two sides to this. People have a good point when they’re saying that Linux has a smaller user base. On the other side, the lack of Linux Clients in general is a big driver of that user base size – When popular Game Companies don’t offer their games on Linux, they’ll never have a Linux Fan Community. Linux users become invisible to gaming companies for a simple reason: We use Windows to play their games.

So the general point here shouldn’t be if it’s worth investing in a Linux Client at all. The question should be “How can we enable Linux users to play our game, without spending more money than we get out of it?”. (note) If we assume that there are Linux users in the community who are playing the game on windows, you could also see this as an investment to keep these players playing the game.

There’s no simple way to do this. But it doesn’t need ridiculous amounts of money or a magician either.

So, how do we approach this?

First, we have to agree on the following prerequisites:

  • “Linux” will be one popular Distribution of Arena Nets choice. Ubuntu or Linux Mint should be good. (Usually it’s easy for the community to port these over to other Distributions)
  • The Linux user uses proprietary drivers for their graphic card
  • There is no guarantee for the Linux Client (no refunds)

Some issues that will annoy developers:

  • No DirectX for Linux (sorry, but f.u. Microsoft)
  • Some included libraries to develop the game may not be available for linux
  • Porting usually messes up the existing code base

With that in mind, what are the options we have?

  • A native Linux Client (cheap when your engine already supports it, expensive when it doesn’t)
  • A proper Wine support or Guild Wars 2 (already quite good, see below)

If we consider the cheaper method, Wine is a good way to make Guild Wars 2 on Linux happen.
The game even has a GOLD+ rating on WineDB!

Guild Wars 2 already runs great-ish on Wine. For a game that doesn’t have a native support, the game looks incredibly good and has little to no graphical artifacts.

As soon as you manage to install it properly, the game runs and all the features the game provides are working perfectly.


There’s something that kills the idea of playing Guild Wars 2 on Wine. the performance is bad.

Why that? Is Linux just bad for games? Not really. If your graphics card is good and you have proper drivers installed, you can even play on the highest graphics settings.

But Guild Wars 2 is an MMORPG that is pretty CPU heavy. The performance of the game will be affected by your CPU performance. If Windows can run Guild Wars 2 on a stable 25 fps, it’ll run on about 12 fps with Wine.

So here we have an already working, stable version of the game on Linux. It works well but it would need two things to be great:

  • Find what slows down gw2 in Wine and fix it
  • Fix the camera (you can only rotate it in one direction without hitting the edge of your screen with the mouse)

From my PoV, these two were the only real reasons that kept me from playing Guild Wars 2 on Linux. I don’t need a native client, I need a version of the game that can run in wine without requiring expensive CPU power. I’m pretty sure that there is potential for optimization.

Fixing these issues would cost much less than trying to create a native Linux Client. Maybe it would only take a freelancer or a small team working on these optimizations for a limited amount of time.

That way, Arena Net can make a part of their player base happy and maybe attract other Linux Users, without spending too much. If the costs are higher than the returns – just flag it as marketing budget. There’s always enough marketing budget

TL:DR; Make Guild Wars 2 on Wine better, it’s already almost perfect

HoT will be nightmare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409


Having the ability to recognize and plan for high demand days would be much better than trying to solve a problem after the fact, when it could have been avoided in the 1st place.

I know what you mean by that and I would agree, if not being a developer (and earlier test-manager) myself would’ve teached me that things never work out exactly as planned. I’m very confident that they did a lot of planning, but things got messy as soon as the patch was out. Often this has more to do with the dynamic of different teams working together on a release than on the individual planning.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: odrez.8409


I never had any serious issues playing the game and I’m very pleased with the general stability of the game and the servers (downloading and playing).

I remember when back in the days all servers of WoW went down every few weeks. No one able to play, big issues. But I don’t remember the people being as salty as some of the people complaining here.

Be patient, be thankful, do not insult a company that usually delivers good quality content for very small prices.

Hope everything will be back to working normally again. :)

HoT will be nightmare

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409



the servers of an mmorpg are down for a few hours


so new for me
things will never be fixed
future looks bad


Sorry, but things like this happen and I guess we can spare Arena Net the insults and complains. I guess everyone who is capable of fixing this is already working as hard as he/she can to resolve this.

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409


I like some aspects of the new system, but there are also some effects coming from that system that I don’t like. Lots of them have already been pointed out, but maybe the number of people makes a difference.

In short, what I really like:

  1. Different chests/rewards for different daily achievements. This can be a great addition to the game once there are more daily options
  2. New Items. I like the new scrolls of experience allowing me to play my lvl 80 characters to level my low-level characters since I like playing with all abilities and no restriction in traits/ability skills/armor set – Some of that is related to the new leveling system
  3. Diversity. Some of the dailys are more challenging/interesting. Crafting an exotic or doing a world boss (I know, not really challenging) is more entertaining for me than foraging plants in a certain area. There were some attempts in the past to make dailies more diverse, but they backed down fast. I missed that and now it’s there again, great.

There may be more, but here is what I don’t like:

  1. Directed playing. As lots of people already said, the old dailies could be completed just by playing the game. A system that is so subtle but good that it doesn’t get into your way and can be completed every day. Now I take a look on the right side of my screen and see what I have to do now to get a chest. It’s like I now have to complete a task for my boss to make him happy. The german version of the game makes it more obvious: “Daily Kryta Forager” becomes “Täglicher Erntearbeiter von Kryta”, where Erntearbeiter already includes the word “worker”. I’m not playing this game to get directions on what I have to do. Especially if I came home from work.
  2. Too little options. What’s the point in having different loot chests and diversity if it’s restricted to 4 options? Maybe that’s all there is to “fixing” the new daily achievements. more options.
  3. Region based achievements. Going into areas you normally wouldn’t go to is not fun if it’s forced. Now you’re going to collect wood in an area crowded by players doing the same thing. Or doing events that are not made for crowds of players. It’s obvious that there are different game design ideas mixed up here – stop doing that, it makes the game look inconsistent.
  4. Useless achievements. Daily Vista don’t make sense in a 100% completed map. And still it’s an achievement now for three days in a row – why? Please replace that.
  5. Bad WvW rewards. The WvW rewards are boring. It all comes down to a little bonus experience and badges of honor. That’s not comparable to 3 globs of ectoplasm in a PvE achievement.
  6. Bad PvP rewards. PvP is not rewarding anymore since PvE gear is allowed. Daily PvP rewards are nothing more than a bit bonus progress for the current path. I see little to no reason to let zerk kiddies hunt me down anymore.
  7. Login rewards. Okay, this system is somehow cool but not. I like the approach and the rewards but it’s not feeling right. Maybe because you don’t have to do anything at all to get your laurels. You log in, you get your chest, you see your daily tasks, you log out. Of course it’s not as bad as that, but I experienced a change in my willingness to start playing. Could be just me.

Ok, maybe that’s all for now. Some things I would like to see from this community:

  • less flaming
  • every thread / opinion has it’s right to be here (as long as it’s not flaming), so please stop saying things like “stop making threads like this”, “I’m annoyed about this topic”, “your opinion is just our own point of view” bla bla. It’s not helping and let’s really good posts in this thread fade to almost transparent.
  • why are so little mods here? official statements from Arena Net to these topics are rare. I’d like to see a change to that.


A request regarding our hands

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: odrez.8409


Hi gw2-community,

I searched for a possibility to make this request and decided maybe this would be a good place to start. It’s a very light request compared to the amount of anger regarding locked traits and intruduced grinding mechanisms but it’s something that is – at least for me – as important as the other stuff.

To the point. I’m using the crafting system and the mystic forge rather often in my daily quest for loot and better equipment. As someone who uses a graphic tablet instead of a mouse since my hand already hurts whenever I touch a mouse from working in IT and playing games on PC since I was a child I’m not thrilled by the amount of “double clicks” the game forces me to do. Whenever I try to discover things as a cook or combine items to get bonus experience, or when I put loads of green items in the mystic forge to get a yellow item – there are several hundred double clicks I have to do to finish my tasks. I’m glad my tablet pen has buttons that I can program with “double click”, but I’m concerned this issue affects everyone using a mouse to play gw2.

I just want to indicate that, in terms of medical conditions, this will do severe damage to your hand in a long run. I’d be glad to looking forward to a system that reduces the amount of unecessary clicking.

Sorry if there are any spelling/grammar errors since this isn’t my native language. :(

Other occasions where clicking overkill occurs:

- Selling crafting items to the trading post (like when you want to sell >20 different items and you have to open the sell settings menu for each of them)
- Opening bags, Using Essences of luck, Consumable Items in general
- Using salvage kits can be a chore sometimes with the overload of blue/green items you get nowadays

I hope this request is heard by the developers as it affects us every day we’re playing and can lead us to carpal tunnel syndrome and other permanent damages to our hands.

The Backpiece

in Living World

Posted by: odrez.8409


First of all, I want to thank Arena Net for releasing great story content so frequently. I like the new living story and played each episode with joy.

However, what absolutely grinds my gears is the new backpiece. I spent much gold & time on the first version and now I had to realize, that the second version needs even MORE time & gold to craft. And I have to admit, I don’t have time for that kind of grind. I’m not a full-time player and it seems to me that Arena Net is doing well in ruining the gameplay for players like me.

I can accept that I can’t have a legendary, and with some mumbling I also got over the fact that I’m casually dealing less damage than frequent players (because crafting an ascended weapon is just too far away) – I’m not even mad for never receiving any of the great skins that came out with living story 1, although I sacrificed days in this game. And who needs rewards for doing dungeons when you can have 200 useless tickets for every one of them? You need 400+, go, do the dungeon! and then repeat and repeat!

But I do have a problem with having to repeat crafting the backpiece for living story 2, with the exact same amount of Plates of Piquant Plant Food & Plates of Meaty Plant Food and this time, even MORE stuff you need to buy or craft (which is also just buying or farming the ingredients). I’m sick of this. But not only the crafting process is a chore, what really annoys me is that it’s still exotic – does that mean I’ll have to repeat the whole process again if I somehow manage to craft this one?

I loved guild wars 2 because it wasn’t all about grinding and gold, but I’m getting the feeling you can do less and less as a casual player. Sadly after finishing the story there’s nothing else to do but the same ever repeating events & searching for chests in hope of some loot. But you’ll never get loot. You’ll get ingredients for things you’ll never be able to craft.

[edit] This is what you have to do for the backpiece, in case someone doesn’t know what is needed to craft it.

(edited by odrez.8409)

Southsun survival karka are a pain

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: odrez.8409


What’s the point of making such a deep and tactical gametype (which is a breath of fresh air) and add these stupid giant karka taking over the entire map rolling all over you. It’s enough of a pain hunting other players and now we’re being instantly killed and rolled over by these things?

I totally agree with that. It’s a great new last-man-standing like gameplay and the spirit system takes the fun out of it. The ghost-players are just spawning random karkas and kill players out of nowhere, which leads to getting randomly killed independent of how you play or who you’ve been killing in the past. Winning is this game works the same every time – hiding, eating, kittenting, eating, winning.

If they wanted to shorten the time given then they could’ve spawned something like a wall or even karkas surrounding the area, making the field smaller over time. That could lead to players actually fighting and not to this stupid randomness.

A spectator mode would’ve been so much nicer than that.