Showing Posts For ollie.9320:
Yeh I know. I have seen a picture of the Devona armor set in GW2 and it looks different to Devon’s armor in GW1. I was just wondering if anyone had pictures of the other armor sets.
Sets like Koss/Brutus/Devona/Aidan/Mhenlo etc… I want to know what they look like. If they look exactly the same as the npc armor in GW1 does anyone know of any more of these sets that I didn’t list above?
Ah that’s too bad, thanks :c
I’ve been trying to get the title, but I’m stuck at 97% (image 1). I’ve completed every heart, waypoints, poi, vista and skill point (image 2) and received my map completion reward (the star and gifts of exploration). I’ve also uncovered every area of the map (image 3). What else do I have to do to get 100%?
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
Then what about the norn? They’d be running around with smaller weapons it would look pathetic. And what about longbows on Asura, it would be impracticable using a bow that’s twice your size.
There’s already a deposit collectables option in the backpack. Just click on the gear in the top right corner and select “deposit all collectables.”
I’ve had exotics from mobs, only had a couple though and I’ve killed tons of monsters with really high magic find.