Showing Posts For oppsan.9518:

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: oppsan.9518


Currently I’m playing this game in window mode all the time. This can’t be considered acceptable. Guild Wars 2 is the greatest game this year when you look at the content and artstyle, but the controls and camera are so unworthy of this great game.

It’s also weird why Anet haven’t even commented slightly on this major issue, are they avoiding it because it can’t be fixed or are they working hard on it?

One last thing, I know I whine and that I’m not bringing anything constructive to the table (I completely agree with OP with what has to be done) but we all heard in the interviews with Anet developers that they played the game for many years before it came out and still enjoy it, all this time in game, and NOONE noticed that the camera and controls are subpar?

Please Anet, if you can’t solve this issue, tell us! We want to know! If you’re working on it, let us know!