To Op.
Reading all your ranting, I just realized that you have no clue of what the heck you are talking about. I see that you are trying to make some valid points, but the problem is that you have one hella narrow minded vision of the Staff and Eles in general, you just cannot break out of the small box you’ve locked yourself into. Most of the arguments you make are just plainly false. But explaining everything to you would mean to write a whole kitten essay, and I’m not really in the mood for that.
For example you say
“Rule 1 in any type of combat.
If an enemy is mobile. you have to be mobile to counter.
(you know, dont get hit, move like water… that stuff).”
Just there you have two flaws.
1) If the opponent is mobile, you need to CC him. Do you know how to do that with staff, yes?
2) What stops you from being mobile with staff? You think that ride the lightning is the solution to all the problems? It’s an easy solution surely, but it’s not the only one. Unlike many other mmos, GW2 allows you to be constantly moving while casting your spells (with few exception). Do you know how to move and not stand in one place, yes?
I hate using the word L2P, but you really need to L2P…
I’m not denying that staff needs some love, but most of your arguments are just ridiculously narrow minded and it’s obvious that you don’t know how to play with AoEs and CC.