Showing Highly Rated Posts By pathaugen.6572:

No need to take away zones introduced

in Living World

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


When this new content (re)releases, it brings a new zone, and future updates bring new zones. However when the festival ends, I imagine the Zephyrites leave but that just takes away the decorations and ships.. the zone can stay.

I say this because the better mindset would be to always keep zones introduced this season and add POI and other things to have fun with once the map ‘ends’ without fully eliminating the content.

Bottom border of inventory issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


I’ve been for weeks struggling with this issue, it’s hard readability and I think it’s a usability bug/issue.

What is happening is the bottom border of the inventory window is too transparent behind the gold and makes readability extremely difficult.

I find myself constantly squinting or moving the window around and it’s just not a good design, needs to be made more opaque or some other visual change so you can read it better.

I have good eyesight, but I’m sure there are some that can’t see this even at all. For me it’s difficult, and it shouldn’t be to read it.


New Hero Panel - Add Magic Find

in Suggestions

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


I think the new hero panel is full of information, but that little blank spot next to agony resistance?

Magic Find should go there.

Commander Feature: Kick people off turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Tequatl is hard, but new players on turrets makes it literally impossible.

Spamming, “Everyone on turrets hit #2 when available please!” isn’t working.

Commanders are players in the community that are not new, have decided to become leaders and help others in WvW and PvE guilding people in champ runs and other content, and are perfect candidates for this suggested feature:

Enabling commanders to kick people off turrets.

It’s what a commander would do. Commanders are leaders, helpful, experienced, and know what they’re doing when it comes to GW2.

This would help.

Laurel Amulets Should Be Able To Infuse

in Suggestions

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


My ascended rings can be infused in the mystic forge for +5 agony, and the suggestion is that the ascended amulets should be able to be infused just like the rings and back item.

Please remove/increase collection limit.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Increase to 1k would be perfect. The wallet made unlimited collections of dungeon tokens and other things clogging the bank, but the collection tab is still a source of frustration. Increase to 1k would be simple and effective.

Bottom border of inventory issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Six months later, still can’t read this!

I can’t be the only one..

Transparent window FRAMES are nice, but not behind text you need to read. Gems on the opposing side of that window have a dark non-transparent background..

Text should not be on transparencies in this game.


Underworld or Domain of Anguish. Please.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Played GW1 for years upon years with friends.. and the reason was that both Underworld and the Domain of Anguish were the best end-game challenges of any game out there.


For the love of all that is holy..

Nothing is challenging like those maps. Nothing is more rewarding than killing Mallyx or Dhuum at the end of HOURS of being awesome and on the verge of actually party-wiping (the MAIN reason the content is rewarding/challenging/FUN).

My GW1 buddies took on fractals with me.. fun, but you can’t party-wipe and it’s not a huge zone to explore and endure though to get some great loot and the most rewarding two chests in the entire game!

1. Have the guy that designs the Super Adventure Box go to town on it
2. I don’t care if the maps are copied from GW1, we’ll love it still

GW2 is great since you can go down, then fully downed state and still be ressed up by anyone left alive. That’s ALL there needs to be.


Me and the hardcore crowd are looking for true end-game content not present in GW2 that was a STAPLE of GW1 and had us playing it for years.

Dungeons are great, fractals are ok, but we need one of these things. Bring the other in a future expansion but as someone that brought up multiple 80’s in the months at launch and took on multiple personal storylines, map completions, ran countless dungeons.. I really can’t wait until there is challenging content to rampage through.. fail.. try again.. something to REALLY bring the top folks that were done only months after launch to gather together and spend a weekend doing maybe two or three runs taking HOURS each try on the edge of our seats with a couple failures.


Show the fractal level of people?

in Fractured

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


Can we show the actual fractal level of others or limit it so they can’t use the LFG for fractal levels above them just like dungeon LFG doesn’t let you use it for dungeons above your level?

Obelisk Hunt Fix: For future releases as well

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


The Obelisk hunt was far better than the dragon clues with the addition of an icon to make it visible. Good job.

Let’s please improve this by either taking the icon AWAY when you have successfully transcribed the obelisk, or changing the icon putting a slash through it or changing the color.

Making the icon show you’ve already gotten that one makes it even better to track these things.

With so many across so many zones after playing for a week, a visual representation like this will help a LOT. Especially for casual players.

Keep this in mind for future releases as well.

Why a fee to switch to a leveled discipline?

in Crafting

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


I’m confused on two things:

1. Why isn’t crafting account bound like we’ve done with magic find and ascended items? Next logical step, zero reason to log in and out to get the right character to a crafting station since we also have shared bank storage fueling all characters as well.

2. Why aren’t all crafting disciplines enabled for characters? Limitation to just two is also pointless with everything going account bound in all these updates.

Thus, just make it so all characters can have all crafting disciplines and crafting levels are account bound.

Why not?

Spore Map Icon Visibility

in Suggestions

Posted by: pathaugen.6572


On the minimap, the orange swords, gears, and other event icons appear along the edge when they spawn so you know something is nearby.

The new update added spores, and you have to clear one per map, but you can’t just play and glance at the minimap because the orange icon doesn’t appear along the edge like the others.

This should be fixed so you don’t need to look at the full ‘m’ map and can play just glancing at the minimap along the edge like you do with swords, gears, etc.