Showing Posts For penaynay.7159:

Not feeling the Dev Love

in Ranger

Posted by: penaynay.7159


I think rangers were made underpowered purposely, because we are the most powerful range class, and we have basically another person tanking and fighting for us.( Pets) But i think the ranger and their pets could use a def upgrade, because a trash dungeon mob can take a ranger out in 5 seconds if we stay and fight. so we have to fleet and stop helping our team to wait for the heal skill cooldown and heal.

Utility skills underwhelming?

in Ranger

Posted by: penaynay.7159


i made a pet focuse ranger, the pets are pretty useful outside of doungeons. They have higher attack and defense than my character, but in dungeons they are useless. The only thing i use them for is the search and rescue. Beside that utility and the thorn wolf for pulling agro utilities for rangers sucks.

Noob friendly Ranger help?

in Ranger

Posted by: penaynay.7159


for PvE i suggest the short/long bow. But for WvW i suggest the shortbow/ warhorn and sword combo.

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: penaynay.7159


okay because of the auto unname bug some how my wolf’s name now is the name of my shark, and im too lazy to change it. shark= Fluffy

Long Bow or Short Bow

in Ranger

Posted by: penaynay.7159


personaliy i love the shortbow/long bow combo, because it covers the aoe, and short range combate. But I have been working on my sword and warhorn/shortbow combo because it is more reconmemded for WvW. But the two bow combo is the best for running in the open world, shortbow for regular gameplay, and longbow for events with a lot of mobs.