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4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: penelopy.5407


Whoosh back.

If what you love the most about WvW is good fights, I say again: Play PvP.

Forgive me for actually reading what you wrote (which may not be actually what you meant, since you seem to be confused), but you say that you are frustrated by the fact that we seem to watch the scoreboard and you’re more satisfied with the way AR plays because of their sPvP background.

So why again are you playing WvW instead of PvP?

Is it because, in reality, your PvP skills are lacking and in WvW you can hide behind your commanders and larger groups instead of being forced to make or break a PvP team? Or is it because it’s easy to hide behind the failure of others when in WvW you are defeated?

Either way, it seems to me (based on your own words.. if you still don’t understand what you’re saying, maybe you should in fact draw me a picture since your arts and craft skills may be superior to your command of the english language), that you’re playing the wrong game.

If you aren’t man enough to get eaten up by siege, go play something else.

(edited by penelopy.5407)

4/19 AR/BP/EB

in WvW

Posted by: penelopy.5407


Not that there really is much of a point to make here, but Ebay hasn’t been winning this tier by more than a 20% average. Actually not even 20% so the problem isn’t glicko or AR/BP not putting up a challenge.

No question Ebay is winning here but to say it isn’t a challenge is a gross exaggeration. The first week Ebay didn’t show up to fight they lost in this tier. It would likely happen again if AR/BP stop going at each other to which nobody seems to have a solution.

When we say it isn’t a challenge, we’re not talking about tryharding the scoreboard.


Open field fights and roaming is what we’ve always been about.
Small skirmishes. Big zerg battles. Small man roaming. 1v1s. Fight clubs. Guild vs Guild. Duels. Skilled fights not stuck behind walls and siege.

This what we love the most about WvW and BP just doesn’t offer that since you guys seem to focus more on points and the score. Yesterday around SW tower and supply in BP bl was evidence of that. We find AR a lot more challenging and more fun because of their spvp background.

We probably could make a serious push for T4 but scare amounts of good fights = bored Ebay. This directly affects our motivation. Playing for rank and score is already pretty boring and thus, we aren’t tryharding for T4 elsewise we’d be recruiting.

Our servers just have a different focus and ideas about what’s fun in WvW.
Good fights vs Scoreboard watching. I’ll take good fights any day.

You know as far as I’m concerned, this is trolling. Saying you don’t give a hoot about the score is something soccer moms tell their 5 year old soccer playing kids.

If all you want are good fights, go play PVP, where everything’s 1v1 or team based and fighting skills can make or break your team.

WvW isn’t set up for good fights only; it’s set up for tactical and strategic offense and defense. The name of the game in WvW is how well you manage your forces, use your resources, and engage the other teams. Avoiding the use of siege or not using a tower for it’s tactical advantage is just stupid.

Your statement of “harump harump good fights harumph” is either your idea of trying to bait us into not defending or your ignorant understanding of WvW. Think of WvW like chess; not protecting your queen or using assets to your advantage is basically another form of giving up.

We may not be winning the war, but I’ll be darned if I’m going to be all carebear about points, and I guarantee your commanders don’t take that stance either.

(edited by penelopy.5407)