Showing Posts For petar.9047:

EU - Veteran PvE guild [LuPi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: petar.9047


this isn’t even a bump

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

EU - Veteran PvE guild [LuPi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: petar.9047


[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

EU - Veteran PvE guild [LuPi]

in Looking for...

Posted by: petar.9047


Greetings everybody,

We are [LuPi], a high skill level guild from EU that is recruiting people that are interested in high quality PvE and speedclears. We provide efficent daily dungeon/fractal runs and are always enthusiastic about attempting speedclear records.

Our guild held quite some records in the past but all of them are outdated now and we are looking forward to going for them again!

We are currently working on expanding and aiming for 50 members so we are starting this recruitment post and also trying to expand and evolve by making our official guild community YT channel which will soon be active and also our website .

What we’re looking for in players:

  • We’re a hardcore guild so we expect our players to be hardcore aswell that means using meta builds, appropriate consumables (foods, potions), appropriate weapon sigils (bloodlust, perception stacking, force, night, dungeon slaying etc).
  • We expect our players to play intelligent even if we are in a group of 5 people and we want them to always be up for learning, improving themselves even in daily runs.
  • We use teamspeak and teamspeak is a MUST for daily runs, we usually tolerate if you are only able to listen and not talk but having a microphone and being able to use it is highly appriciated.
  • Even though we are a “elitist” guild we do not accept arrogance, drama and bad attitude, we always like to have a laugh and we are nice people.

What we’re NOT looking for:

  • Bad players refusing to play zerker.
  • People that expect us to carry them through dungeons.
  • Arrogant and ignorant people.
  • “Casuals”

The official recruitment application can be found here . After you fill out the application it will be reviewed by some of our admins and you will get contacted in game after what you will get a guild invite and procceed with the trials until you can become a full member.

For more info you can contact me in game as i am always ready to anwser your questions.

Cya guys!

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

Necro and fractals

in Necromancer

Posted by: petar.9047


Where do necros stand in the fractal meta (dont make mm necro jokes). And what build would be most optimal for fractals?

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

What is the absolute best ranger DPS build?

in Ranger

Posted by: petar.9047


What ranger build does the most raw DPS of them all? I don’t care for squishiness or vulnrability in combat i just wish to deal as much damage as i can.

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild

in Mesmer

Posted by: petar.9047


Name: Overwhelmed Reality
Server: Seafarer’s Rest (EU)
Playstyle: I play only PvP for now but looking forward to some PvE and WvW roaming too.
Role: Scholar/Tester (can teach lower rank mesmers)
Playtime: I play almost all day long depends when i have to work. Timezone: GMT+1

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

The "Jack of all trades" D/D ele PvP build

in Elementalist

Posted by: petar.9047


The main damage source is sustain damage? Seriously, are you trolling or are we talking about different classes? Eles have such a poor sustain damage … regardless if you have a defensive spec (warrior can outheal your “sustained damage” simply by doing nothing and letting their heal signet tick), an offensive spec (you will be busy to survive, once your burst is over), or a balanced spec (is there even something like that?).

And of course ele is designed to be a burst-class. Have you never read the description? Low defense but high damage – sounds pretty bursty to me. Also watch this video from beta. There you can see how eles were actually designed and what they were capable off:
If you are going to take 30 points in arcana you are forced to be in 1 attunement more then 1 time for sure. I dont see D/D as a bursting weapon set.

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

The "Jack of all trades" D/D ele PvP build

in Elementalist

Posted by: petar.9047


I am well aware of how useful healing power can be. But your linked build has 10 points in Water, not 30.

A D/D needs to survive with strong burst and constant pressure. Sacrificing that is likely to end up with the other class out-sustaining you.

An elementalist in general is a class that isnt by any means a bursting class. They have much more spells then any other bursting class and once i have tested full berserker ele and the damage was nothing special. I feel like valkyre takes away that precision but keeps the crit damage which cant excell in a build with atleast 30% crit chance. I just thought about it and if you are not able to burst your main damage resource is sustain damage so i sacrificed a bit of my power to get a bit of evertyhing and i think it suites the elementalist class the best since they are the closest class to the jack of all trades state.

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

The "Jack of all trades" D/D ele PvP build

in Elementalist

Posted by: petar.9047


Full Celestial is a massive waste for PvP. Your power & crit damage are well below where they should be and all that +healing & +cond is useless in a D/D build.

Run Valk amulet + ’zerker jewel.

There are many viable D/D builds. And healing power is one of the more important stats specially when you are running 30 points in water. Do you know how massive the water heals can be? You heal when you enter water, then 5 and when you dodge roll you heal for another massive amount. Fire attunement is your main damage source right? THREE fire attunement spells have burning. If you have no condition damage thats a waste of a part of a spell. Think about it.
Im not by any means saying that the valkyre build isnt good, because it is, but it is NOT by any means the only viable build. Its all about your personal prefference and what fits your playstyle the best.

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

The "Jack of all trades" D/D ele PvP build

in Elementalist

Posted by: petar.9047


15P in earth isn’t worth it. I’ve tried it and it’s extremely inferior to 15P in air. So I’d switch 5P to air (or water)

You are right. I just looked both traits up on the wiki and it does much more damage. Thanks for the tip. (Lightning Discharge does about the same damage as 2 air auto attacks and Earthern Blast only does 100 damage)

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

The "Jack of all trades" D/D ele PvP build

in Elementalist

Posted by: petar.9047

I’ve run several ele d/d builds in pvp and have noticed a couple of things:
1. I get trashed on with conditions
-I feel like those few condition cleansers we got from water atunement and traits isnt enough.
2. If you are going to run the celestial trinket you don’t want any wasted stat on there (I’m looking at you condi dmg!)
-Dumping on condi dmg makes you not be a “Jack of all trades”
This is not a completely new changed build it just is a tweaked version of the standard d/d/ build. Apart from using fire attunement as your main damage attunement I have also noticed that earth does a lot of damage even while using the standard build that doesnt involve condi dmg. Earth has a lot of bleeds and i feel like it would do so much damage if there was some condition damage involved. I know burning doesnt stack but it would be such a good adition to your damage if you keep it on even when out of fire attunement so thats another good use of cleansing fire. I’ve ran this build a couple of matches and it has show to be pretty good. I wan’t to hear what you guys think of this build.

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

A cool idea for the "Reaper's Mark"

in Necromancer

Posted by: petar.9047


Wouldn’t it be nice if Reaper’s Mark (staff 5) lead enemies to or away from the marks center? This would give staff necros a nice skill cap boost and it would be pretty fun (cant see the way it would be OP)

[LuPi] Co-Leader – passionate ranger player.
Catherine Frostpaw – ranger Seafarer’s Rest [EU]