Showing Posts For pixiedancer.1526:

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Inspired by CharJC, here’s what it looks like right now on my server. Note the not-ridiculous number of players. Also note that I recognize all these guild tags: EG LION RISE GSCH Aco Shdw Ph LUN SIN, putting the number of players almost certainly part of my server at half, maybe higher.

I have a much slower PC (i5 3770, Radeon HD7770, 8gb) which explains the lower framerate.

I’m really confused about all these pictures showing so many people in the Keep as it doesn’t match with my experience. At all.

I’m not really sure whether you’re someone trying to do damage control or just troll, this thread has reached almost 33 pages and guess what the MAJORITY aren’t pointlessly complaining. They’re offering feedback and have been despite the fact we haven’t gotten an official reply for almost a month.

People are having trouble because.. Tequatl, wurm and other world bosses aren’t located there. Neither is Karka Queen, or any of the temples. You know that. You also know that initially cities were filled to the brim because it was patch day and now they’re dying down they aren’t half as bad (off peak hours) but still particulary awful when you’re on your enemy WvW’s map.

Does that mean I can still find my friends in the world? No, not unless we’re grouped and jump through hoops, even then, it’s far too random.

Is there anywhere I can see them without trouble, anywhere that makes server community and WvW matter? No.

Does that mean I can spam join to join them? No, infact it stops you from doing that.

Does that mean I can RP with them in Divinity’s Reach without being harassed / not having to jump through various hoops to do so? (And even then half the people we’re trying to get in touch with might be on another shard, they kitten sure were the other night.) So no.

Does your picture mean I have server community anymore? No.

This is whole thread is mostly legitimate feedback. What are you getting out of this? 1k+ people are all crazy? We’re all nuts? Why do you feel the need to post anecdotal evidence to try and detract from what we’re saying? (And yes considering the majority are not in favour, I wouldn’t call it anecdotal feedback!)

Sure there are a very few people moaning and others going “ah get rid of plz!!!!!!” but the majority of people have offered nothing but polite feedback considering their gameplay has been disrupted for a good month. So now I’ve alleviated your confusion, alleivate mine!

(Take into account as well posts have been deleted ot merged. One by the leader of the Alliance of guilds that run Teq for example, people who actually shouldn’t be seemingly brushed aside for obvious reasons.)

P.S. People are asking for small changes they aren’t trying to ruin your gameplay, just fix their own so it works out for them as well. Please try and see it from their spectrum before you reply.. There are plenty non-obtrusive suggestions, honestly! We all love this game that’s why we’re here and we wouldn’t be here otherwise.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Female characters look way better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


I’m not quite certain what seems off about human males.

Because they all look like they belong in a boy band!

This really, I don’t mind it myself but I think more face options would be nice. They’re effeminate which is great for a lot of people but if there was more masculine options and less.. Kaiwaii desu desu Anet-chan! I think people would be more inclined to play them. (I’m fine with either myself but yeah)

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

How European are we?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Where is chinese a European language? There are more dutch, polish, norwegian, italian, portuguese, romanian, swedish, maltese, hungarian, finish, spanish and 15 more languages and you give us a nice new tournament with the 4 biggest languages in Europe. English, German and CHINESE !!!!!!!!!!!
Why T f chinese?
greetz exp

It’s a language for the stream. They want to drum up interest in China ahead of the launch there. What’s the problem?

More people speak french in europe than chinese, this is a european tournament, not an asian one etc etc.

And yet it will still be of interest to those outside of Europe.

So what part of more people speaking and understanding that language in europe is hard to understand, sorry?

The part that seems to ignore the fact that the “European” part of the Tournament applies to participants, not spectators.

As you can see, I thought they canned the french stream in favour of chinese because I didn’t proof check the OPs post. /passive aggressive angsty grrrr

(Yes, I’m editing my posts and checking my english I’m not great at it.)

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

How European are we?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Where is chinese a European language? There are more dutch, polish, norwegian, italian, portuguese, romanian, swedish, maltese, hungarian, finish, spanish and 15 more languages and you give us a nice new tournament with the 4 biggest languages in Europe. English, German and CHINESE !!!!!!!!!!!
Why T f chinese?
greetz exp

It’s a language for the stream. They want to drum up interest in China ahead of the launch there. What’s the problem?

More people speak french in europe than chinese, this is a european tournament, not an asian one etc etc.

If I was wearing my tinfoil hat I’d say it was part of Anets marketing NGE strategy to grab as much as the asian market as they can.

But yeah, kitten us right?

Most people, if not everyone, in Europe speaks a bit of English, German, or French. So, they have Europe covered. They are also providing it in Chinese for extra coverage.

Hm, I thought they weren’t offering a french stream?

Click the link. English, German, French, and Chinese streams.

Oh, serves me right for not following the link. I was under the assumption french got canned in favour of chinese, considering I was looking forward to watching it in a language I understand better than any I was a little annoyed.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

How European are we?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Where is chinese a European language? There are more dutch, polish, norwegian, italian, portuguese, romanian, swedish, maltese, hungarian, finish, spanish and 15 more languages and you give us a nice new tournament with the 4 biggest languages in Europe. English, German and CHINESE !!!!!!!!!!!
Why T f chinese?
greetz exp

It’s a language for the stream. They want to drum up interest in China ahead of the launch there. What’s the problem?

More people speak french in europe than chinese, this is a european tournament, not an asian one etc etc.

And yet it will still be of interest to those outside of Europe.

Edited – My bad, I thought they canned one of the languages.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

How European are we?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Where is chinese a European language? There are more dutch, polish, norwegian, italian, portuguese, romanian, swedish, maltese, hungarian, finish, spanish and 15 more languages and you give us a nice new tournament with the 4 biggest languages in Europe. English, German and CHINESE !!!!!!!!!!!
Why T f chinese?
greetz exp

It’s a language for the stream. They want to drum up interest in China ahead of the launch there. What’s the problem?

Edited – I misunderstood.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


So, to sum up the suggestions of 1000+ posts.



Disable megaservers in major cities and difficult bosses such as wurm and teq.
Districts like GW1.
Opt in, Opt out feature being able to choose when you want to access it or stick with your homeserver.
Tags for sorting to make it less random, language, guild, RP, farming, etc.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


A chat channel is no substitute for a physical home server location you can reliably log into by choice. Cities have no good reason to be Megaservers except to give an illusion of population.

Regarding just Cities, in my opinion there is absolutely no “pro” argument remotely strong enough to justify the considerable damage done to all server communities, RP included.

But there’s absolutely no reason not to have a city off the mega server AND an RP channel. None that I can see anyway.

Not too sure about the chat channel, in my experience, they usually end up as cliquey trollbait. The server “cool kids” and egomaniacs flaunt themselves there unless they’re heavily regulated. What starts off as a useful tool turns into <social media site> 2.0, trolling, calling people out etc. Especially if someone from an rival WvW player server decides to guest to watch.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526



If that’s the case a lot of roleplayers are going to go elsewhere then I guess, if $$$ is all that matters. I don’t really get why something as old EQ2 can handle it but GW2 can’t, even other solutions like tags that’ve existed for 10 kittening years. That would actually prioritize who you bump into not just random, and no, adding EVERY single player and guilding every single player will never happen.

Jesus, whats the point in server community, WvW if we don’t even have a hub to interact not just RP. Seems like a lame cop out.

Who is to say they don’t add a RP flag. After all they did say. Having a RP flag is well within the realm of possibilities. It is not about money it is about having populated maps. Proper resource usage in the cloud is only secondary.

We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.

There’s nothing I can really say without putting on my tinfoil hat or being negative, so I’ll just thanks for making the effort to engage with my post.

All I know is if major cities don’t become server hubs my guild, most of my friends and I have to start looking for another game that’s all so it’s hard not to get frustrated about it. Especially when we’ve spent a lot of money, time etc. We got screwed pretty hard with this update and avoiding megaservers in general are why we came to GW2. We wanted a proper community. (originally from WoW.)

Add that to the fact that over 2 weeks none of the threads have had any legitimate feedback from devs it drains the soul, we feel like we’ve been collectively kittened on.

(Edited to adjust my meaning.)

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526



If that’s the case a lot of roleplayers are going to go elsewhere then I guess, if $$$ is all that matters. I don’t really get why something as old EQ2 can handle it but GW2 can’t, even other solutions like tags that’ve existed for 10 kittening years. That would actually prioritize who you bump into not just random, and no, adding EVERY single player and guilding every single player will never happen.

Jesus, whats the point in server community or WvW if we don’t even have a hub to interact not just RP especially when the server you’re fighting is in the same hub. Seems like a lame cop out.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


20 days and 15 pages since the last official comment. That’s really depressing. It’d be nice for someone to at least give a token “We’re working on the problem”.

Some very rational solutions have been proposed, many of which seem like they fit right in with the technical concepts of the megaserver.

My Charr warband guild has gained one new member entirely as a result of the megaserver (IE: from another server), which is very cool… and a great example of how it CAN work, with a little fine-tuning.

They did give a official comment. To the people in Europe who are more severely effected by the systems not working.

Here is the relevant translated part for RPers that you may have missed.

We are currently investigating in detail the Mega Server system in terms of role players. Minor adjustments to the algorithm – especially in cities – have already been made in order not to leave the “home feeling” completely disappear. But even here the work is not yet complete.

See now this is what I don’t understand, mega servers don’t need to be in major cities so disabling them would fix the problem of losing the home community, people can guest if they really want to see idlers from another server or RP. They could add tags for sorting like EQ2 did and that was ten years ago, hgnn.

Saying that, there goes WvW pride.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Name 1 thing you want changed/added

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Removal of mega servers from major cities, honestly, this would be a god send for me. Let them stay as community hubs!

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Serious question for you, Pixie. Do you honestly believe that the Anet developers have no clue that people are frustrated with some of the Megaserver functionality right now?

I find it far more likely that they 1) know 2) are trying to do something about it 3) aren’t saying anything because they’re trying to figure out a fix and implement it as quickly as possible but haven’t fully fleshed out what that looks like or how long it will take.

No, I’m sure they’re aware people are unhappy but considering Colins advice was “guild up” it makes me wonder whether they’re actually listening. What I was trying to get at really is this amount of players offering feedback warrants someone biting the bullet and answering it. Even if it’s just to say “No, sorry we won’t be making these changes this our game this is the direction we want to take it etc etc.” I could respect that and find elsewhere.

They haven’t made any major changes, so I’m under the impression they’re aware but they don’t really want to change anything. This is how they want it to be (minus a few tweaks for bosses) for the asian market. /tinfoil hat

Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Disable mega servers in major cities, boss zones, do something about guild missions. That’s mostly what people tend to be asking or saying in the threads if you look them up, albeit those are only a few of the solutions (tags as well for instance) which were used in EQ 2 a game that came out ten years ago.

Not everyone thinks they’re owed, but a lot of server communities and some of the major boss guilds have posted legitimate complaints along with solutions. Take into mind that the changes are effectively destroying their gameplay for various reasons, people are getting frustrated because simple solutions are being outright ignored. I’ve already posted once about this but there’s something like 87000 views in total in all the combined threads.

I think that number warrants someone going “Hang on a second.” instead of continually rolling out the mega server system.

This week and the week before has been the only time I’ve been active on the forums since 2012, I’m not one to usually complain. I could probably go on and quote SWG devs about communicating with players but what I’m getting at is there’s A LOT of reasonable feedback that looks like it’s being outright ignored.

Seems Everyone doesnt like thier class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


I enjoy all the classes, what I hate is people whining for change all the time. They’re usually the ones that end up ruining the core concept of the class until it ends up as some wacky homogenized hybrid that isn’t anything like it was to begin with. I rolled a guardian to be a guardian, if I wanted to be a warrior.. I would roll a warrior etc.

Don’t get me wrong there’s feedback and legitimate complaints, but most of the time it feels like people need to just roll a different class.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Thanks pixiedancer, unfortunately that’s kind of what I expected. I heard someone say that only Divinity’s Reach in NA is testing the new algorithm to try to give the home server more priority.

I still see every other city a chaotic mess of trolling / skill spamming that I very rarely saw on TC before. DR seems to be the exception right now as I don’t see any difference.

So I’m hoping ArenaNet has found the sweet spot with the weighting/prioritizing of home servers with DR (NA) and after some verification and more testing implement it for the rest.

No problem, just thought I’d rant a little. I just wish they would disable it in major cities at least, there’s always guesting if people want to visit friends and stuff.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526



Thank you for the update kuscheldrow, I think this is very encouraging.

I really do think it’s important for anyone that had formed an impression of the megaserver prior to Divinity’s Reach being taken into the fold to spend some time in DR and objectively report your impressions. I know it’s really hard to qualify what (if anything) has changed but try to note guilds you recognize and the general nature of the chat & emotes.

If we are going to be constructive and help ArenaNet to dial in the right algorithms to protect our communities in the new megaserver system we need to be objective and reevaluate as changes are made.

I’m on TC and was on for most of the day & evening yesterday and DR seemed the same as it always was. If anyone is having a radically different experience than what they are used to in Divinity’s Reach please post your impressions and server name.

We’re all in this together in order to stay together.

I see one or two people from my old server (I’m on EU) but for the most part they’re heavily outweighed by people from other servers, I don’t think it’ll affect TC so bad because it’s always populated regardless of time. I have friends who play there from the EU because they can find RP any time or day or did prior the patch, they’ve all gone on hiatus until this thing is sorted.

While this might be working for you, (/tinfoil hat) I think the general consensus is it isn’t working for everyone else. DR doesn’t seem so bad in my own experience, but there’s hardly anyone I recognize and forget about it at peak hours. We’re spotting people in map chat from the servers we’re fighting in WvWvW.

The grove and other cities are for the most part, filled with french / german players and you’ll get trolled for RPing there. I’m not sure what miracles you’re working, but the certainly aren’t working for me.

I don’t see much point in being positive and friendly, it’s been two weeks and Anet’s been content to not bother to reply at all. Positive and friendly was a week ago. Like the Teofa said, if Everquest 2 can do simple solutions (10 years ago) Anet can.

(Disabling it in major cities, boss zones, adding tags for language, RP.)

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


While I’m sure everyone appreciates the effort you made to tell us, this doesn’t help us at all. Some of it sounds good, but there’s plenty of solutions they’re readily ignoring that have been offered up. Disabling mega servers in cities, boss zones, tweaking the spawn times (like it seems they’re doing, no more bosses at 10:15 pm hopefully) and implementing something for guild missions would help.

I’m not sure how long Anet needs to see people repeating the same suggestions over and over until it sinks in.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Add *optional* duel feature + follow function

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Follow is pretty much the best way to help botting, every game I’ve seen it in it’s abused. In a perfect world, yes. In the real world? No thanks! People are already complaining about goldsellers, lets not make it worse by giving the botters something they can use to their advantage.

Dueling on the other hand would be pretty great for guild halls if they ever come, not sure I want more obnoxious people harassing me in open world though. I hated the mentality it just reminds of the the barrens in WoW back in 06 and the awful chat, the further away I am from “LE TROLL XDDDD!!” (/retch) scumbags the better.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Remove megaservers from city zones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Hey Arlien!

While this one of things I 100% want myself this threads going to get locked probably, I’d recommend posting this in the feedback/megaserver thread.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


It feels like longevity for the sake of longevity, in short, GRIND GRIND GRIND. There wasn’t anything wrong with the old system, something that wasn’t broken was fixed because x amount of players were “apparently” clueless ( but I’m pretty sure it has to do with that asian market.) and specced 5/5/5/5/5. The people that actually knew what they were doing are being punished, on top of that as others have pointed out it’s an absurd amount of skill points and gold for new players.

You should probably take down that manifesto, because at the moment I’m swinging a sword, I’m swinging a sword again and again and again. Grinding isn’t content, it’s a cheap carrot on a stick gimmick. Guild Wars II: Simon’s Quest.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


If they disabled it in major cities and world boss areas, did something about guild missions being trolled, added tags to help sort you for what you’re after RP, Farming, Language etc then I’d be all for it.

I’ve been fine with megaservers so far (events actually getting run, unified boss timers, etc), but yeah, the system definitely needs tweaks and priority tags in the party/friend menu for grouping.

Pretty much all I want myself, I don’t want to lose the server community even if they only disabled it in major cities it would be a big help.

P.S. There’s four major threads explaining why as well, people, so don’t play ignorant.

Are megaservers killing the game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


If they disabled it in major cities and world boss areas, did something about guild missions being trolled, added tags to help sort you for what you’re after RP, Farming, Language etc then I’d be all for it.

As it stands, the patch seems like a giant middle finger to well established communities, at least if they posted and said “Sorry guys, nothings changing.” I could go elsewhere. Personally, it feels like they’re pulling an SWG NGE (a massive patch that aimed to grab more new players than the old it would drive off. It didn’t work.) and getting the game ready for the asian market… I’ll keep wearing my tinfoil hat though until issues are adressed.

I REALLY, REALLY don’t want to find another MMO I was seriously enjoying GW2 until these changes. :/

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Felt like I needed to drop a note here but it’s hard for me to sum up what I’m trying to say constructively so I’ll make it as short as possible.

Why in hell’s name are the major cities/boss events affected by mega servers? The former acted as a community hub and the latter was perfectly fine before considering you could -guest- to a server. Anyone that was remotely serious about world bosses had trackers or were in a guild orientated toward them the changes negatively affect both.

Major cities, Divinity’s Reach, Black Cithadel, The Grove and Rata Sum don’t need mega servers they don’t have any content that requires a group, they were only ever used as community hubs and DR moreso.

You kept WvW out of this so why aren’t you keeping them out of it? Why should I be punished because someone rolled on a low pop server or can’t be bothered to click guest? Adding up the major posts together, the main threads have had A LOT of views. (There’s a post with the view count somewhere, it’s something like 87000.)

I’m not sure what you guys at Anet are doing but ignoring everyone here isn’t going to make the problem go away, you can’t force something down someones throat and expect them to smile.

No one’s expecting you to pander but I don’t really see how rolling back a few changes would be so bad, do it now before the damage is permanently done..

Unless you’re pulling an NGE I suppose, have fun jumping through hoops for the asian market when Archeage, Black Desert and EQ next come rolling out. Something tells me you’re going to need it if you’re going to alienate your already established player base for a percentage in one of the worlds most fickle/MMO dominated markets.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


Step 4: Players ask for mega servers not to be in Cities and Boss areas.


This please, I wanted to post here although I’ve already posted elsewhere. Let cities and boss zones stay as community hubs. Even WoW doesn’t apply their version of megaservers to their cities and Blizzard stopped giving a kitten about the community years ago.

Disable megaservers in cities. I could make a big post about why it doesn’t make a difference for cities but I think most people who have played for a long time know the only thing most people who don’t RP in cities do is idle/talk to friends/the occasional costume fight.

Let cities stay as community hubs, please.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526



This is probably the third time I’ve posted on the forums as I tend to avoid it. (I can be very opinionated.) Just like to add myself to the number count of roleplayers unhappy.

Disable megaservers in cities if you can’t be bothered to do tags Anet, it’s just that simple. I could make a big post about why it doesn’t make a difference for cities but I think most people who have played for a long time know the only thing most people who don’t RP in cities do is idle or chat to there friends.

Let cities stay as community hubs, please.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

Narrative Lessons From 15 Months of Scarlet

in Living World

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


I know there’s been plenty of points made but I figured I’d like to post an opinion if the writers are truely looking for feedback because why the hell not? I play to!

1) TL;DR version.

Less focus on their sexuality and more focus on who they are, at the moment they feel like forced cool archetypes from anime. More interaction, let us be apart of their past and experience it firsthand and become apart of it! Less ignoring the universe around them and the realities of Tyria. They feel like the scooby doo gang of Tyria at the moment and that’s not a good thing.. A characters flaws is what helps make them interesting, not how perfect and powerful they are.

Less modern amercanization of themes of what was formerly a unique universe. Use words relevant to the setting, everytime someone uses “AWESOME” I die inside. More conflict between the races, less scooby doo unrealistically friendly. It feels like you’re trying to turn guild wars into a brady bunch version of itself. (

Just to finish on this, to give a real life example Scotland has enough people that want independance and they’ve been apart of the UK officially since 1706. So in contrast why would the humans of Tyria just forget everything an entirely different race has done after only recently making peace after years of horrible war? Just putting that out there because it seems to be overlooked all the time.



I get the impression a lot of complaints about the current characters, Rox, Kasmeer and Jory are over looked or someone at Anet just really loves them but I think you need to work on making the characters less one dimensional.

Gwen for example, we got to interact with her right from the get go buying her that flute, seeing how her life was affected by the searing. We interact with her right up until she finally gets married, now I could actually care about that because I actually got to knew her – she had a personality – she was fleshed out.

Kas and Maj kinda feel like someones political opinion shoehorned into the media, their main focus is “we’re a lesbian couple.” there’s hardly anything else to them.. They feel like corporate USA, happy sunshine political correctness that ignores the realities of (Tyrian) life. I’m homosexual myself and I think if you’re trying to get a message across it shouldn’t be with characters whose soul persona is their sexuality, there should be more to them than that.. There is to every other person in existence.

I know they do have backgrounds and a bit of story but we never interacted with that at all, how is the player suppose to care? “Oh look Maj and Kas are an official couple—but wait why should I care I barely know them?” We don’t know them..They’re just sort of.. “there.” It just feels like fan fiction with no substance.

Next time you introduce a character why not let the player interact with them rather than be minion 646077 that follows them around. Let us engage with them like you did with Gwen! ( Seeing Kasmeers backstory actually happening infront of us, let us experience it first hand. )

Rox feels kinda odd, she’s basically a “speshul snowflake” cutsie wootsie anime kitten with a bug eyed pet that doesn’t really feel like a charr at all and her side kick Braham who’s just there to sort of.. Be there. It’s just so kitten shallow to me. How is she supposed to live up to characters like Pyre when she’s not even remotely consistent to the charr themselves?

Why is it as well that we’re ignoring realities of the game? I mean for instance the charr and humans, you walk around Divinity’s Reach and the general consensus is distrust and hate. You pass a lot of NPCs saying things like “If a charr comes here I’ll show them my meat cleaver!” “Officer, that charr is back again etc etc.” “I’ll keep an eye on him.”

Why doesn’t this apply to Rox, Kas and Majory? Can you imagine if they actually had to earn each others trust and use that in the story? Stuff like that adds a sense of depth and gives it a sense of “realism” and yes I know it’s not GW1 but Gwen and Pyre were much more interesting than these three to me just because they had conflict rather than feeling really.. modern america and politically correct.

“Totally super mega awesome lets be friends hihih even though my people have repeatedly tried to genocide on you silly humans. Hhihi. And humans drove us from our lands, hihih!”

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pixiedancer.1526


It’s not often I post on the forums or ever, I tend to have a very blunt opinion and once people are offended they don’t use logic or common sense but here goes. This is directed at the people complaining on the behalf of us “foreigners.”

Most of the people that seem to get offended by the concept of Cantha on these forums are keyboard warriors that feel the need to social justice for other people. Stop it.

Do you think the every eastern country, every eastern person is so backwards, so stupid that they don’t know what to be offended over? You think we need -you- to fight for us? We need you to save the day? No? Good.

Nothing I’ve found is more offensive than being patronized like that.

Do you want to know what will get Cantha canceled? People moaning on the forums for a culture they don’t even understand, how many of the complainers speak fluent Mandarin? How many of them even know how to use chop sticks or have ever visited any of China’s provinces?

Sure there might be vocal minority of people from eastern cultures that are overly sensitive to westerners, but you know what? The only people in my home country I know that might even be slightly offended are hardcore nationalists that are racist bigots themselves. They wouldn’t pee on you if you were on fire.

Anyways, that aside.,17423.html

^ Was approved by the Chinese government, the biggest cache of poorly done eastern stereotypes that mixes Chinese themes to create the Pandaren, basically what the uneducated think China is.

Cantha had a lot more class than that, we didn’t see any goofy stereotypes, anything ridiculous and yes I know the lore of the Emperor. It really isn’t that bad.

(edited by pixiedancer.1526)