Showing Posts For pjuppi.3460:
where did you see this? printscreen or explain where you can see it plz
you didn’t play the marionette boss, am i right? :P
as “BuddhaKeks” says, that map is looked on upside down, turn it 180 degrees and you’ll just see it is a map of the silverwastes, and the dots are just the forts and so on…
Nothing to see here!
if you go from the other way (pic), before the destruction of breachmaker, there were a rubble pile down that cave, i dont think you could see up were the torch is now, becuase now there are alot of stones that have fallen down. so this new cave definitly came when the breachmaker got destroyed!
and also, you can see water pouring down from the “new” cave, and a strange blue glow up there, think of how we got in the aetherblade dungeon that were in LA, the holo-projector that made a wall we could go thru! ^^
look at rubble nr 18, and also perhaps nr 12?
pic from other side:
btw, nice found
The hidden path under neath the wreckage of the drill that leads to an escape boat and a secret path up to the gates near White Crane Terrace?
Could be nothing I suppose…