Showing Posts For pknecron.3920:
I sell the mats and buy the GEAR… I end up WAY ahead money-wise because stuff isn’t worth the mats it is made out of unless it’s at least rare in quality.
@ Bhuta MF doesn’t increase the number of drops; it increases the chance at higher quality drops. So, instead of a white you might get a blue, instead of a blue you might get a green, etc.
Um, you are NOT allowed to have cash in this game. IT IS A RULE! If you had cash then you would not have to buy Gems and if you didn’t have to buy Gems Anet won’t make any money. It’s pretty simple really. In order for Anet to make money they have to strangle the gold flow within the game so that people have to buy it from them. It is why WP are so expensive, etc. They need more things to take money out/keep it out of the game so they can be the ones to provide it to you their way.
I love the game, but they economic shenanigans that Anet does make me sick. Instead of selling cool stuff in the Gem store they make us all poor to try to force us to buy gold.
Keys are meant to be purchased off the Gem store… at nearly $2 each. It is a COMPLETE waste of money. You can get rare items now, but it’s like the mystic forge… you might drop hundreds of real $$ on keys and get zip or you could get a permanent BLTC merchant on your first key. Way too random and way to expensive… Key’s should be maybe 25 cents each, but it appears Anet wants to make a lot of nothing instead of a smaller amount of something.
Not good business. If the bots reported players who would they sell their gold to. I mean considering how advanced these bot programs are getting it would be easy for them to write a script to report every player they see already I would think.
I am serious. Since I spend more time reporting bots than playing I need something to speed up the process. How about the B key? It’s a common key and centrally located and would be perfect to bind to the bot reporting system.
Oh, and Fog is a decent white alternative as well.
Iron looks quite black at least on Heavy armour. I like it as a nice black alternative until one day when abyss drops.
hammer’s not useless
With the trait that extends the duration of symbols you have protection up almost all the time.
Great in PVP not so awesome in PVE… At least I found GS to be much more useful in PVE because all the skills had a use, where as the ranged root and ring of warding were pretty much useless in PVE. Maybe if ROW had a damage component it would be better. The knockback was somewhat useful but only situation-ally; basically only if you were getting beat on very heavily. And the last attack that triggers the protection skill with hammer is WAY too slow in firing. Maybe if it activated twice as fast it would be better.
(edited by pknecron.3920)
Um, Whirling Wrath got a cd reduction, didn’t it?
That’s your extra dps.
It was always 10 seconds so, no.
The cooldown was doubled yet we didn’t get a damage boost to to other skills to make up for the loss of DPS or a protection increase to make up for the loss of 50% of our retaliation ability.
Good thing I was playing sword and shield up until a day or so ago so I have something to fall back on now that GS is nearly as useless as Hammer is.
Hogwash, the code is in place to prevent botting, and by association to get you to buy gems from Anet to sell for in-game currency(because they made money the single hardest thing to attain in the game). It has nothing to do with “vision” or anything artsy like that, it is all about money; real and otherwise.
I have opened 2 chest since they “improved” the contents… it’s all still crap and unless keys start going for 10 gems each I will NEVER buy them. I have spent $40 on gems so far too, so it isn’t like I am unwilling to spend money on the game, but the rewards need to be in line with the costs.
Both do the job well, but I think the number crunchers have said that dual axes does more. Me I run Sword / mace for the bleeds and KD/debuff.
This is a PVE focused post for starters.
My War can do everything my thief can do and do it better. He hits harder, has a FAR better self heal, better damage mitigation and can take on large groups without having to run around like a chicken because one or two hits will wipe him out. So, what advantages does the Thief posess? Initiative is a cool idea but regens WAY too slowly; maybe that is because if it came back faster then it would be OP in PVP, but for PVE I am ALWAYS initiative starved. I guess that’s because I have to kill really really fast to avoid dying. I would much rather have a CD based system like the other classes. Stealing is a cool idea, but I would like to be able to set what the second burst skill is so that I don’t have to go in not knowing what random effect is going to pop this time.
I guess the thing is I am just not feeling it. Like my Elementalist my thief does not have the damage output to mitigate the squishyness the class suffers from. I hear it does get better after level 40, but that is WAY to long to have to struggle with getting killed because you had a bad pull. The is too little room for error with the Thief. If things go perfect, it’s huge fun, but if you get a respawn or body-pull an add, it can become a real chore.
[Suggestion] Make Thief CD based profession like everyone else
in Suggestions
Posted by: pknecron.3920
Really they just need to make Heartseeker take 5 points instead of 3. Right now the damage it does is huge compared to the cost.
They are also discovery only. I have never just been given a recipe simply for leveling up. I have three and I discovered them all. They usually use rare crafting mats and a common one like iron ingots or bronze ingots.
I used to play GS, and then I tried dual axes both of which are great DPS. Now I play a hybrid Sword/Mace build. I love Savage Leap, and the KD that come with Mace in the OH. I stack Power/Prec/Cond and spec into the power and prec lines in the trait trees. Does it do as much strait up damage as the first two, no, but more than once I have killed a target and rallied while downed because of bleeds. A bit less DPS, but more control and utility.