Showing Posts For potatocity.6470:
Ralkuth you have just now convinced me to get the expansion XD also surprisingly im having a blast playing theif with duel daggers and bow ( and i always play tank) in most mmos
theres a video of a guy using sword and shield on rev but yet i cant find any info about the shield skills? was it taking out or somthing?
seriously thou is this true?
theres a video of a guy using sword and shield on rev but yet i cant find any info about the shield skills? was it taking out or somthing?
is it true can a Reverent use sword and shield also? someone told me that they could
its ashame warrior seems like it could be fun and fit my playstyle but its seems to get alot of hate from what i have seen
hi im new to guildwars in general and im a huge fan of pvp in games in general.
so to just jump to the question
i was wondering what is better? sword and board wise in pvp
guardian or warrior?
why and or why not. what would make one better then the other keep in mind this is purely sword and board build. perspective not secondary.
Bonus question is what kind of tips do you have for pvp (asside from obvious practice)
in GW what are things i have to keep a eye on or watch out whats the main skill for pvp
for example in Wow its all about timeing and lining your CCs and cooldowns
but in archeage its all about DPS and CC and burst
but in some games its about sustain and surviabilty
so what about GW
im new to the game XD and want to get into pvp since thats the only real reason i play and i was wondering if sword and bored is good in this game ( since thats what i like to role ) expect for wow
should i role gaurdian or warrior
he im verry new to the game as in i haven no started at all and recently been playing wow pvp but decided to look for somthing new and seeing as this is one mmo ive never done i was wondering
how is the pvp in this game is it balanced well is it good fun, how long does it take to get into pvp?
does gear matter as well or is it pre determined stats?
any additional information may help too TY