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Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


just run with a friend. they will attack someone

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


This is true, but I bet people start doing their own spin on it making that less of a problem. Especially venomshare version!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


Bootts I credit you with the 2nd rise of the thief being an actual threat!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


Noticed this on reddit. I think most of you could run it easily or tweak it for your own personal funsies!

Basically if they attack you, you win. if they don’t attack you well you still sort of win!
This would also be a great setup to get back into thieving if you have taken a break from it! Credit wher it’s due to bootts!

pew pew!

shooting through walls

in WvW

Posted by: pug.4658


fix it. it is annoying

Dueling etiquette in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: pug.4658


This is an interesting topic. I have often been running by duelers standing around to be attacked. I have also been chastised by my own server for not helping. Now I just try to kill everyone I see. When I get angry whispers about duel code I just laugh. Making up fake rules in a free for all is a pretty sad way to socially engineer your advantages by breaking said rules whenever you feel like it.

the only fair duel is between identical builds and prof with a third party saying go. Anything else is hilariously not fair. All the angry thieves that want to duel. Yes let’s start a fight where you have instant teleports, let’s start inside the range of those teleports. Let’s fight with no terrain. A person once told me they were going to report me for killing them while they were waiting for a duel. Comedy gold.

If people want to stand around smc and get killed that is perfectly fine by me. Complaining you were killed while standing around smc is a thinly veiled way to admit you made poor choices.

red = dead


in WvW

Posted by: pug.4658


It looks to me like Anet wants a hard counter to thieves so they handed the ability to rangers. (and soon engineers) I suppose people remember the thief hate for the first 2 years of this game? All the crying about how OP stealth was. Now stealth has a counter and people are kittened they can’t escape every single fight.

People bandwagoned to thieves and then told each other how much skill they had while killing most classes with 0 risk of ever dying. Now they are getting slaughtered because they refuse to adapt to rangers. Thieves can chain ports and hit you from 2000, yet are to dumb to avoid a wall with ranged oriented players standing in plain sight on top. I sure see where the skill gap truly lies.

It is time to admit to yourselves that if 2000 range gap closer (or run-away) and a 10,000 range teleport skill, or the smoke-screen isn’t enough to keep you alive it is time to re-learn how to thief. You have let the prof carry you.

some of the complainers here say it doesn’t take skill to press 2 1 1 1 1 and kill them. They are absolutely correct if you make poor choices within range you are dead. Same goes for any spiking build.

Ranger is easy and fun to play because of all the players that refuse to adapt. I have faced every class and they all have a chance to beat a longbow with the right player behind them.

it is time to admit that you just can’t win every single time, you can’t always escape, you can’t always outplay. We are all here because of the thrill of the fight and without opponents this game would be very boring.

A thief's hardest counter WvW

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


Hard counter to thief is anyone that is paying attention to surroundings and has enough dps to counter shadow arts.

Roaming Just got Hardmode ;-(

in Ranger

Posted by: pug.4658


You should use bear it clears a condi.