Showing Posts For pure.4329:

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pure.4329


Gaile, so what happens to the people that pre ordered the more expensive additions because they wanted ONE character slot for the expansion?

I bought one of the pre-orders that had a slot because I wanted the character slot and figured I might as well get other stuff… Now that the char slot is free, makes me feel a little different about the value of the pre-order.

This, i bought the ultimate day 1 because i love this game, but, i don’t know what to do with another char slot because i like to have 1 per professions and i have 8+1 from the ultimate atm

Is there another option for those who don’t need it?
I’ll still love this game with 10 char slot if not

Dont Nerf Zerk Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pure.4329


Fourth option:

No more last stand, if you’re dead, you’re dead
Think about it and laugh of 75% of the zerker Meta
So many wipe… that could be awesome

(In pvp too)

Guardian IMO

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


You don’t understand what i want to say, probably because of my english.
Well, i don’t care about active defense heal damage things because i think it was a communication problem…

MrWubzy, i played guardian a lot, i mean more than a thousand of hours and i found some things that disturbed me like weapon that i find more or less useless.

To resume,

-What’s your opinion about the mace, the shield, the hammer?
-Am i the only one who find these weapon boring?

Permanently Shatter Aegis

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pure.4329


I hate the aegis visual effect, nothing more to say.


Guardian IMO

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


It doesn’t mean only heal/tank but also might (soon fury) and BURN !!!

What are you talking about heal/tank. It’s protect the team, healer and tanker are average to useless in this game.

For the might/fury. Guardian can do some, but he’s just bad at it compare to other profession. He can do a decent job at self buff (especially fury), but that’s it.

The mace and the Shield need a serious rework because they’re only not bad to play as a healer and even here they’re not shining.

I agree with the Shield, but mace? It’s an amazing weapon. It’s not meta now because GS + M/F is 1-3% less dps than GS + S/F, but with the new trait setup it’s Mace will replace sword.

Note: i totaly don’t understand the Mobility problem of the Guardian while i’m playing with swiftness nearly 100% of the time . Remember that this is my point of view

Yes you can reach 100% swiftness uptime. But you need to sacrifice too much for that. The problem is especially big in PvP/Roaming where Medi Guardian is the slowest thing alive. A bad thing if you are a Melee killer.

I do not agree i just test again the mace, it’s way too slow.

the #1 “faithful strike” you have a 1 second attack for few heal

the #2 this symbol have 1sec 1/4 of cast, so for the pvp mcm they have to take all the hit of the symbol to approach the damage of the sword, i mean, i like the symbol in general but this one and the hammer one are in slow motion or what ? why the GS symbol is 1/4sec and mace/hammer is 1sec+1/4sec that’s boring!!

the #3 this is the only counter of the guard and it is a failed counter, look at the other’s counter of the war/ranger or the mesmer. With a war/ranger, you can run blocking everything from the ranged and a nice counter when you’re in melee, with a mesmer you block only once BUT it is a range counter so that makes sense.

Hammer and mace have the same slow boring problem. This, is why they’re not in the meta. (even if the hammer is in the meta atm for the #2 that is really powerful)

Accelerate those weapon would make them played.

BTW, "What are you talking about heal/tank. It’s protect the team, healer and tanker are average to useless in this game. "

When a guard don’t play as a mediguard in pvp he’s a bunker, and the bunker are tanker/healer to keep a position/rez allies and i use sometimes a clerical stuff in PVE and it’s really an extremely powerful heal that I wouldn’t qualify as useless. But i get your point that everything except damage is pretty useless

“Yes you can reach 100% swiftness uptime. But you need to sacrifice too much for that. The problem is especially big in PvP/Roaming where Medi Guardian is the slowest thing alive. A bad thing if you are a Melee killer.”

I love “retreat” even if i’m alone to like it and i’m playing with it like 85% of the time and it’s awesome for the trait “+20% damage when you’re under aegis”

Guardian IMO

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329



I’m here to expose my point of view about the guard cause that’s my main character since day 1. Why? Because what i’m looking on the forum doesn’t reflect my feeling at all and i´m probably not alone! (Hope so !)

First, what’s the Guardian IMO? It is a warrior of light NOT only a defender, support, … He can defend and support but that’s not his only way to be.
The Big change between a Warrior and a Guardian is not like the tank/healer guard and the DPS/berserker war. The guardian is warrior who can use some light magic and It doesn’t mean only heal/tank but also might (soon fury) and BURN !!!

Now that i explain what is the guardian to me, i’ll share my vision of what is awsome/bad with the guard.
The weapon, many of them are fun to play and powerful like GS, sword, focus
Some are not bad like the staff, the scepter.
Some need a little change to be really fun to play like the hammer and his #1 attack who’s WAY to slow and the torch whitch have the #4 OP and the #5 pretty bad i mean slow and not really powerful.
The mace and the Shield need a serious rework because they’re only not bad to play as a healer and even here they’re not shining.

The trait seems really good with the next trait update

Now the first spec dragonhunter. I don’t care about the name, it’s just a name even if it’s a bad name that makes me laugh.

The longbow looks pretty cool even if i don’t care about the “we need a better ranged weapon”, my hope was a axe so…
I didn’t really look at the trait because i’m already happy with the new guardian trait specially with the fury.
The traps, maybe they’re cool but i’ll probably never use them because they’re trap. IMO this is a bad choice and really doesn’t fit with the guardian. They’re beautiful btw.
To continue with utility skill, there are too many useless like the kitten spirit weapon and some signet.
The elite skill update will be awsome too.

Now some things that need change:

First, aegis effect on character need an option to remove It.
Second, not sure but the throwing animation of the spear F1 in the video wasn’t good.
The weapon, like i wrote before hammer, torch, mace and the Shield need a rework.
The spirit weapon can be removed or replace i never saw them used.

To conclude i would say that not everyone can enjoy the same thing, for the dragonhunter some will enjoy it and i’m happy for them.
I’ll just have to wait for my super-awsome berserker of light with an axe, dynamic hammer and working shield

Please tell me if you’re like me, and you haven’t the feeling of playing the same class when you’re reading the forum

Note: i totaly don’t understand the Mobility problem of the Guardian while i’m playing with swiftness nearly 100% of the time . Remember that this is my point of view

Can we please adress the aegis issue?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pure.4329


Can we please adress the aegis issue?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pure.4329


I agree and this has been brought up over and over since release. But Anet always ignored it
Count retaliation effect into it, too. It makes a similar annoying effect.

I would add retaliation too, but the first reason i find aegis annoying is the fact that the effect is permanent as a guard, you have it no matter you want it or not, it’s here and will be here to destroy the visual of your character (unless you like it), that’s not the probleme with retaliation.

I want to be able to choose to see aegis or not.

Can we please adress the aegis issue?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: pure.4329


Take my YES! I was thinking about this again, then I saw your post and I’m glad someone talk about it. I hate it more and more because it’s ruining every skin i add to my guardian.

Maybe here, we’ll have a reply because there is some topic about it in the guardian’s forum.

Aegis, Visual effect - removed

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


Hi, here is just a screen to support my comments.

If anything you’remember supporting the fact the visual effect is needed to determine whether or not you have a block.

Should Engineer backpack kits be removed because they don’t like their “hobo packs”? That thread has over 1k comments already.

I’m personally for a choice to be able to see or not, the effects that some players don’t want to see like the aegis or the hobo packs.

What’s the purpose of buying or crafting awesome weapons and stuff that you can’t see properly when you’re playing with.

I hope we’ll have some feedback from someone of Anet one day …

(edited by pure.4329)

Aegis, Visual effect - removed

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


Hi, here is just a screen to support my comments.


Aegis, Visual effect - removed

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


I truly hate this efect, the more i see it the more it annoy me. It became worse since we’re able to play with the fov.

I would LOVE an option to turn off this effect and btw i never pay attention to it in PvP to know if a player has an aegis up or no, i simply look really often the effects up under his life bar and i think most player too. So it’s useless in my opinion even if i understand some player find it pretty cool.

I’d like to have an answer to know if the possibility of a removable aegis was asked .

Thank you and i hope this subject won’t die like the others!

Aegis, Visual effect - removed

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


Does anyone have seen any information about that since launch ? ^^’

Aegis, Visual effect - removed

in Guardian

Posted by: pure.4329


Please let us removed that effect, it ruins every left hand weapon!! I crafted rodgort since few weeks and i can’t look at the skin properly because of the aegis, that’s the reason i’m not making the legendary shield witch is beautiful.
Since the beginning i expect that someday we’ll have a way to remove this effect.

The guardian is my main Profession and it really start to kitten me off.

Thanks, waiting forever for a reply …

Old Login Screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pure.4329


Why did they get rid of it in the first place?

i don’t know but it was awsome!

Old Login Screen

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pure.4329


Hi! I recently found the old login screen of gw2 from the beta.

Could it come back? maybe as an option?

I would love to use it again! It was so epic!

Thank you.

Old Login screen: