Showing Posts For qelsi.4860:
I just feel like Anet has been pretty silent on guesting in general since they announced that it would not be ready at launch. I really just want to hear something from the staff regarding the status of this feature or if there is an estimated time to implementation.
I would hope that guesting is general across all servers; though, there would be a fair lag when going across international. In my opinion, if a player is willing to deal with the lag they should be allowed to play wherever they want.
So…Now I am a little aggravated that they are unveiling their free trial for friends while they still haven’t enabled guesting. I am all for expanding the player base, but I would think you would want to get the promised features working, too. I really do enjoy the game and I do want to (and probably will) share these free trials with my friends who are still undecided regarding Guild Wars 2. But I also want to be able to play with those friends who have already purchased it. Please and thank you.
That’s how I assumed it would work, too. I just really want to see it on cross server joining. I’ve got several (real life) friends who have ended up on different servers that I want to be able to play with. Transferring worlds really isn’t the option if we’re only going to play for an evening (do a dungeon run or work on personal story); since this locks us into the new world for an extended period of time beyond that one evening.
The big thing is that I would really just like to hear an update on this, since it was promised to us to accommodate the multiple server system they have put in place.
Has there been anymore information on when & how guesting will be implemented? I have several friends on other servers and would like to be able to play with them, too. We’re coming up on three months and I was wondering if there had been anymore information on this topic yet.
When is the next maintenance/update? Maybe that will fix the bugs?
This map is still bugged on the Emhry Bay server
My gloves I just got have the wrong icon being displayed in the inventory and equipment panels.