Showing Posts For rTeapot.9134:

Fresh 80

in Ranger

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Ok, so I took a longgg break from GW2, but recently came back. I just dinged 80 on my ranger, and am wondering where do I go from here?

If I want to mainly WvW with a side order of PvE, what type of gear do I want, and what are the easiest ways of obtaining said gear? Should I be looking to get Berserker gear or Knights gear?

I am a noob.


in Mesmer

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Haha cool, I figured so… Just got done playing a guardian for awhile, probably while I am feeling especially squishy


in Mesmer

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


What attributes did you guys focus on while leveling? I have mainly power/prec gear at lvl 21 and while I can handle 4-5 mobs at once with staff/sword/pistol I still feel just a little squishy? Is this normal?


in Guardian

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Thanks Eveningstar will keep that in mind


in Guardian

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


awesome, thanks i will give it a shot!


in Guardian

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Alrighty, I will give Sword/Focus a shot… Is it true that sword can put out more DPS than GS, i find that really hard to believe


in Guardian

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Ok, so I have been using the GS to level, and its all wonderful, love the DPS on this bad boy, BUT every once in awhile I do that thing where you bite off a little more than you can chew… and every time I die, without even feeling like I had a chance. So what I came here to ask is, is there a secondary weapon that I can switch to that will (through skills etc) almost instantly help me fair better in a fight gone bad? I have tried staff and hammer, hammer did decent but just wasn’t enough IMO. Thinking about trying mace/shield next, thoughts?


Typical PvE soloing battle sequence?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


thank you to for those replies, anyone got a staff specific one as well?

Typical PvE soloing battle sequence?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Ok so the question is in the title. What is your typical battle sequence? I have a lvl 15 ele and have been putting all points in arcane. I feel like I stick to the fire attunement wayyyy to much and the others go unused because I don’t know how to cycle properly and what goes with what and when to cast what etc… There is just a lot of things ele’s can do and I feel like I have a poor handle on managing fights.

I usually run staff but sometimes run S/D, I like these more than daggers just because of the range limitation on daggers.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks!

Leveling thief... am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: rTeapot.9134


Ok, so basically the title says it all. I have been leveling my thief and am level 13 now, but I just feel underpowered for some reason. I am a D/D thief, and have so far put all of my points into Critical Strikes. I try to get gear that focuses on power and precision. I use signet of agility and assassins signet, but for some reason I just feel weak. I can down mobs my level fairly quickly, but if 2-3 get on me I will usually end the fight with little to no health. I read on the forums about how PvE is quite easy, but I am just having a hard time with it. So any strategies you guys and gals can pass on to help me out a little while trying to level?