Showing Posts For rageneko.1928:
I have a small list of thing that would be cool to have in the game
1. Guild capes should be brought back from the last game. Nothing like running around with a unique cape. (The guild armor isn’t that great in my opinion)
2. Guild halls should be brought back. With the new cannons and stuff it would be cool to storm someones guild castle or protect your own.
3. A quiver as an option for the armor back slot. (The animation is already there of the character taking an arrow out of the quiver why not actually make a quiver?)
4. Better targeting system. My character often switches targets or stops attacking when i turn the camera to look at something else and this is annoying because my character will start shooting at a mob that i wasn’t even fighting. Also the auto targeting often targets enemies extremely far away and not enemies that are closer. So my pet runs off and attacks the wrong target. (so maybe enemies closer in range have a higher auto-targeting chance then ones far way)
5. Tailoring can make town clothes or a place to buy different town clothes.
6. Auto switch to town clothes
7. Better drop rates for crafting items or at least some enemies drop more than one item. Lets say you kill a spider and get two venom sacs instead of one.
8. Place to get a haircut/ dye your hair
9. Get rid of Invulnerable and just give bots that can’t get to you health regen.
10. Bots tend to stand in one place alot. Sort of ruins the feel seeing 20+ bears standing around doing nothing.
11. Add a trading post in Hoelbrok and other main cities.
12. More enemy variations. Most enemies (trolls, scales, etc.) look exactly the same just different colors. Maybe add some spikes or something to scales of different regions Make them more unique.
13. Bring back the Zaishen Menagerie or something of equal value. Something about being able to switch between 50 different pets on will feels weird.
14. Add some armor for the pets. Like maybe a collar or something. Nothing to big just to change the stats.
15. Pets like to wander off extremely far distances and drag enemies, so maybe shorting their strolling distance.
16. Mini-pets should not take up a bag space. They should have their own slot underneath the accessories and rings slot in the hero panel.
17. A looking for group party search thing.
18. Be able to make alliances with guilds. Maybe a rival system as well?
19. This has been said but WAYPOINTS cost less money and you get free revival for the nearest way point. Nothing like dying, having to pay to revive then having to pay to get your gear repaired. It sucks.
20. The tanks and motorcycles that you see in orr (the charr ones) should be put into WvW.
21. I know there shouldn’t be mounts in PvE because of all the waypoints but WvW would be cool to have some mounts (I don’t know if this would work in this game i just like riding on dragons and sheet.)
22. Bigger enemies! Nothing like taking down a group of giant elephants. (all the enemies are human sized.) There are no big enemies besides the Gigantic enemies like dragons and giants. What i am saying is there are no ,well elephant sized enemies. (I like killing big things)
For the last one, did you not see the Oakhearts? They’re at least elephant sized, sometimes moreso.
Also, 15 is definitely one of my pet peeves. It’s worse with Minions.. my necro’s minions are really stupid. About a third of the time, they don’t attack what I attack, and instead stand there uselessly. It’d be nice to be able to command minions.
Stuck on this as well… did it twice before I thought to check here. Lame. Also, did anyone else have a problem with having loot on the ground disappear after a little bit? That happened to me. Lost a lot of good stuff because of that. My inventory was full so I was going to get it all after I finished fighting. Lost a gold item because of it.
Seriously ticked off.