Showing Posts For raleur.6748:
Great guild missions last night. Achievements this weekend!
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Getting ready for Wintersday!
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New week, new missions, new commendations = more stuff.
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Had a great weekend- finished the hardest jumping puzzles in the game, ruined some people’s days in WvW, got trolled by the rat boss in our guild missions.
How did you do?
Join us for guild missions Friday evening.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
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Everybody’s running around the new zone. How about you?
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We’re having a good weekend. How about you?
Last night we ran several guild missions, and topped it off with fractal runs.
More fractals, some dungeons, and living story achievements planned for this weekend.
Contact us for more info
The Unsung Legends (RISE) are a small social guild who play during NA primetime.
Our members regularly play PvE, PvP, and WvW, and we’re looking for a few more members to fill out our roster and voice channels. We do a lot of different things, but most importantly, we are social, and that’s why we want to limit our roster to no more than 50 members.
At the moment, we have a few spots open, and we’re looking for people who want to do things with us.
We try to keep the rules to a minimum, but there are a few requirements:
- We’re looking for people who play during NA evenings and/or weekends.
- We’re social, so we encourage you to join us in Discord, or at least help keep guild chat lively.
- We ask all members to participate in guild events at some level, if not in our weekly events, then in the occasional fractal or WvW romp.
- We require a minimum level of activity – please log on or check in at least once every two weeks.
- We have a zero drama policy: no politics, religion, or other controversial subjects in public channels, and no harassment or disrespectful treatment of fellow members.
Our luxurious guild hall, home of the mysterious Lizardfish, is in Gilded Hollow.
We’re trying out Discord for voice chat.
For more information, please contact
Great dungeon runs last night, full of gold and glory!
New or old, we’re looking for people who like to participate: even when we’re not running missions as a group, we hang out in chat and TS, mostly complaining about how the developers are trying to make us miserable.
Sometimes, we talk about other stuff, too.
We’re growing in numbers, and in loot. Get in soon, or we won’t have room for you.
I won almost all of your loot in last night’s guild missions. I’ll continue to get your stuff until you join.
Lizard Fish demands more Bazooka Joe!
This weekend, we capped dozens of objectives in WvW, crafted some ascended armor and legendary weapons, completed our masteries, and opened several thousand trick or treat bags.
What did you do?
Plenty of goodies in last night’s guild events.
We’re looking to build up the raid team: if you’re willing to practice, we’d like to have you.
Tonight is Achievement Hour- we’re going to get those hard-to-solo achievements and mastery points.
Join us!
I got more of your stuff last night.
Join us to stop me.
We have a bizarre sculpture in front of the tavern. Please help us figure out what it is supposed to be.
The guy who made it won’t tell us.
Still having fun and getting stuff. Give us a whisper!
Last night, I won all of your stuff.
The only way to stop me is to join us.
I won at trivia night, and tonight I will win the race.
…which means that I am getting all of your stuff until you join.
I joined last week, and I’m very glad I did. Very nice, mature and very helpful people.
Rip in peace GW2 server
RIP means Requiescat In Pacem, which is Latin for Rest In Peace. There’s no need to add an extra “in peace”.
Maybe he really wanted to emphasize the in peace part.
Same here. Did it twice, merchant doesn’t unlock and achievement shows it incomplete.
Bump for more contacts
bump for more whispers- thanks!
Hi, I’m an experienced player who is looking for a guild of people who like to help and have zero tolerance for jerks and braggarts. I’d like to help others learn what I know, and I’d like help in learning what I don’t know.
Guild size is not very important, but I do hope there are enough to participate in activities. If the guild organizes community events, I’d like to help.
The guild’s standards matter to me: I do not wish to share tags with people who can’t be respectful of others, so I’m hoping to find others who think likewise.
The technical stuff: I play on Crystal Desert server, mostly PvE, and dabble in WvW.
Thanks for reading.
(edited by raleur.6748)
Thanks for the replies, I’ve had some good responses, and I’m waiting to hear back from a few others.
It’s great to know there are people who feel the same way I do!
I’m an active player, with two level 80 characters (more on the way), who’s been playing solo for over a year. And now I’d like to see the group side of Tyria- dungeons, fractals, activities, maybe even some WvW.
But I’m looking for a guild that’s a little more mature than average. By “mature,” I mean respectful, a guild that chooses its members with care- not to see if they’re skilled enough, or have the “right” class and gear, but to see if they’re a good fit socially.
I like helping people complete their goals and enjoy the game, and I’m looking for a group of people who feel the same way.
Edit: I play on NA servers. Willing to transfer if we hit it off.
(edited by raleur.6748)