Showing Posts For ravikus.7268:

Crystal Desert vs Darkhaven vs Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: ravikus.7268


Comes Monday and everything can turn around. I’m from Yaks Bend and we haven’t had the good fight for 2 solid weeks, since SoR screwed us over (Free server transfers) and kicked us from our bracket.

It’s been two weeks dude, learn to let go.

Sanctum of Rall

RR & USA | Vanican – Guardian | Grub Killa – Mesmer | Vaxri – Warrior

10/19 Sanctum of Rall vs Crystal Desert vs Sea of Sorrows

in WvW

Posted by: ravikus.7268


I will say this, What is the point when last night i was in WVW after halloween started and saw people superjumping /flying into our keeps and towers. I donot blame the Oceanic guilds for this i blame SOR and its lack of Honor. If you are on SoR and donot use hacks, then report the ones that do. They are giving your server a bad name. I have reported people on DB and SoS for hacking when i have seen it. (Yes i am a DB import). Also i have reported the guilds i saw hacking.

I feel sorry for the legitimate players on SoR, cause as i said it puts a black mark on the server. From now on when people see you win, whether used or not, Hacks will be blamed. For the Hackers out there on Any server i hope the ban hammer hits you where the good lord split you.

Your logic is incredibly flawed. You blame SoR and its “lack of honor” when one or two people hack. You blame thousands for the actions of one or two then put the entirety of the blame on the server. What’s the point in reporting when there will always be that one person who hacks and then people like you go around calling SoR a hacker server? It isn’t the hackers giving us a bad name, because we all acknowledge that in a relatively new online game there will be hackers, it’s you. It’s people like you who would crucify an entire server because of the actions of one person.

By your logic, SoS is all hackers and I blame SoS for its “lack of honor” because one person hacked once. CD is full of hackers and they lack honor because someone may have hacked once. You introduce this logic into the equation, then base yourself off of it as well.

Sanctum of Rall

RR & USA | Vanican – Guardian | Grub Killa – Mesmer | Vaxri – Warrior

Sanctum of Rall vs Yak's Bend vs Gate of Madness 10/12/12

in WvW

Posted by: ravikus.7268


wow Sanctum, you really need NSP to help you win in a WvW match up :P

Eat your words.


Sanctum of Rall

RR & USA | Vanican – Guardian | Grub Killa – Mesmer | Vaxri – Warrior