(edited by rebb.9026)
Showing Posts For rebb.9026:
I love using the p/p set and I would like to contribute some suggestions to make it more viable and fun to use. We would love to get a buff for the p/p set for the HOT’s official release. I am sorry if I accidentally offended anet/the devs for gw2 for anything that I will say. I hope this post reaches out to the devs working or planning on the p/p thief set .
My p/p Ideas:
1) The range of pistol skills 1-3 to be buffed to 1200
2) The dualskill ‘Unload’ to give us movement speed while shooting and inflict vulnerability for each successful hits.
I believe with this, thieves will get more rewarded for each successful hits when using Unload. Since Upload is a risky high-rewarding move (due to the fact that after we use it our initiative gets really low for counter plays), we would like some mobility when executing it so positioning and timing can be the deciding factor for the fight. With the extra range and mobility p/p thieves could use mobility as their defense which would go well with the new DareDevil Grandmaster trait the ‘Unhindered Combatant’.