Showing Posts For renderinwar.1806:

looking for guild - Gandara (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


Hi i am a casual player who is looking for some people to do PvE with i have a mic and one lvl 60 something character and i am playing with a lvl 9 mesmer for fun btw i am 16 p.s. i dont mind moving server as long as its a EU server

[The BlackHand Order] Recruiting

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


can you tell me a bit more about this guild?

[ Pirate Gaming ] Well established Guild, searching active, serious players!

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


P.S. im a LVL 54 warior

[ Pirate Gaming ] Well established Guild, searching active, serious players!

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


Do you guys do dungeon runs etc. etc. ?

Looking for a partner to start a guild with [Gandara]

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


servers *…………………

Looking for a partner to start a guild with [Gandara]

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


sorry forgot to mention eu guilds only

Looking for a partner to start a guild with [Gandara]

in Guilds

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


hi guys im looking for a partner to start a guild with,[preferably a higher lvl] as im a lvl 50 warrior. i have already aranged a ts that we could use, if you want any more information contact me in game and hope to get some potential partners

Which legion did you pick for your main ?

in Charr

Posted by: renderinwar.1806


lol i was typical warior char went strait for the blood legion :P