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Please do not "nerf" the tower

in Halloween Event

Posted by: richlaw.9814


Getting older in the US I’m constantly amazed by the sense of entitlement we have, and I can’t decide if it’s cultural or mostly an age thing. I suspect age. I ran that stupid tower for hours straight, howled in frustration, nearly punched my computer and almost quit. Never once did I think they should make it easier. It’s a challenge, it’s meant to be hard and you feel accomplished when you finally get it. If they had come back and made it easier before I beat it… I’d feel cheated when I finally got there. Maybe that all went out the window with the arcade games of the 80s and 90s. Those were hard and nobody whined about making them easier, they accepted the challenge for what it was. A challenge.

And for those who say “I paid my $60 and feel cheated by Anet”, “elitist”, blah blah….you paid for the chance to play the game, not win the game.

Scavenger hunt bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: richlaw.9814


you can choose different types of scan. you have to hit the right skill. I think she was…gaseous…or ethereal maybe. Look on your tooltip when you have the gizmo equiped. candy corn fuels it. After you use the right scan you can talk to her

Scavenger hunt bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: richlaw.9814


she doesnt actually show up, she’s invisible. Just spam the action button for talking and you’ll get her. She’s right beside Tassi (sp?)