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Discussion: Downed/dead state and zerging

in WvW

Posted by: rilledorf.3845


Things I don’t like about downed/dead state:

1) Full rezzing while in combat. Please remove.
2) Killing someone can revive whoever tagged that person. This needs to be limited to like 1. Maybe 3.
3) The white/yellow/red/dead rally system needs to be changed to only be one rally, and then you’re dead. You get a new debuff called Rally Sickness, which makes it so that if you get downed again in X seconds, you’re dead. If you manage to survive for longer than that time, the rally sickness goes away and you’re free to restart the process.
4) Remove rallying off of NPCs. This is so broken and arguably the most frustrating part of the downed system. They made it so you can’t rally off dolyaks, why not everything else?

All of these could go a long way of solving so much frustration and mindlessness i think. Adding to this that you can only rally people on stomps would go even further.

So here’s a crazy thought if these changes were to be made, for adding a new/different layer of ressing tactics and depth:

What if you could drag/carry defeated players? Let’s say:
1) You get a 90% movespeed reduction
2) Port/shadowstepping/portaling will drop the player, treat it like the orb on spirit watch.
3) Resurrecting defeated players can only be done out of combat
4) Getting hit while resurrecting interrupts and the defeated players health goes down to zero (or just treat the res as a commune, all mechanics already there.)
5) To pick a player up, deafeated player get’s a prompt for a confirm, and can after getting picked up at any time release themseles. (No trolling allowed!)

Wouldn’t this add a new interesting layer to wvw combat? Tanky builds could be made necessary for making a rescue-team, trying to drag players to the safety of bases. CC builds needed to keep enemies away and so forth. ould be totally swell! And alot of work

Guardian December Patch Preview

in Guardian

Posted by: rilledorf.3845


How about this for keeping to the flavor of the Guardian and solving our problems of keeping up in melee (and most likely make us crazy overpowered)

Justice Served Cold – The passive effect of Virtue of Justice now chills for 1 second instead of burning.

I think this fits perfectly as a Grandmaster trait in the Zeal line, both flavor-wise and as a very good reason (finally?) to put 30 points for going full offence here. Maybe merge Eternal Spirits and Spirit-weapon mastery, put them in adept, move down Wrathful Spirits to master and put this new trait in the empty slot. Would also have the obvious benefit of buffing Spirit-Weapon users.

Unfortunately, with the new buff to Supreme Justice and the fact that you already have +30% duration for going 30 in Zeal would mean we could easily achieve 100% chill up-time. Add in permeathing Wrath and…yeah. Would be immensely fun though!

Maybe some kind of tweak could make it work?