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Updated cooking powerlevel guides available?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rob.1705


Hi guys… I was just curious if anyone has come across an updated powerleveling guide for cooking? After “googling” around a bit, I found:

but I wasn’t sure, I don’t think they’ve been updated in a while. I know a few patches ago, big changes were made to the mats and everything… I haven’t done any crafting since, basically, the original release of GW2, so I’m looking for a “Cooking for Dummies” type guide that will hold my hand as to what and where to get mats, etc.

Thanks for any info!

Coming back... completely lost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rob.1705


I was in the same boat, capped a warrior and had other toons in their 20’s – 40’s when I stopped playing a while ago. When I first came back, I was totally lost and frustrated to the point of like “ugh, I’m not even going to try.”

I had dinner with a RL buddy and was telling him about my frustration and he had showed me his mesmer. He went step by step thru the traits. It looks confusing at first, but if you read thru each one, it really comes together pretty fast.

Not that I’m a master of my builds or anything, but definitely have a little better grasp on the new system… and as Beldin says, hit the mists… It allows you to try out builds on the fly to see what works and what doesn’t.

The GW2 bug bit me again, and I started my own Mesmer and have been having a blast again!

If you do want to check in to see what other people are running, you can visit: for all sorts of builds and good info

Need help identifying race from picture...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rob.1705


Wow, thanks for the speedy replies!!

Need help identifying race from picture...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rob.1705


I attached two pictures and am hoping someone could identify what race she is? I can probably figure out the sliders, but if anyone has some base ideas, I’d certainly appreciate it!!

Thanks in advance!


Which gathering tools for leveling via WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rob.1705


Thank you very much!!

On a “fail” side note… the mithril line requires level 45 (natural, not “upconverted”). My little baby necro can’t use them. Bah.

(edited by rob.1705)

Which gathering tools for leveling via WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rob.1705


I’m sure this has been answered, but I couldn’t find it on the forums or, surprisingly, thru google, so here it goes:

I have a level 23 necro that I’m been leveling via WvW. Of course, I forgot to pick up higher leveling gathering tools beforehand, and that my basic tools were failing all over the place.

This is an alt, so I have a little bit of coin, but didn’t want to overspend on tools either. I was looking thru the wiki at Is it correct that the “mithril” line of tools (1s 60c) would be sufficient for WvW gathering?

Thanks very much for any info!!

Healing background, Guardian for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: rob.1705


Thanks for all the replies guys!

I never did try the banners with the warrior, I’ll definitely look into that, and try some different builds. That is one nice thing about GW2, being able to change builds without penalty!

In the mean time, it sounds like a guardian might be a good choice to casually level to get the best of both worlds. Thanks again all!


Healing background, Guardian for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: rob.1705


I’ve been reading thru the different forums trying to get opinions on the best ‘support’ type class. I currently have an 80 warrior that I leveled thru PvE almost exclusively. A RL buddy has really been into WvW and sPvP lately. I’ve tried several times, but it doesn’t seem to be “clicking” pvp-wise for me with the warrior.

I know GW2 doesn’t have the ‘trinity’ roles like other MMO’s, but I’m thinking Guardian might be the closest thing. (as far as providing off-heals and buffs to the group) I’m not looking for the “lone-wolf” style of playing, I want to help the group in any way I can. Does this sound like the right path? Or should I try to make some sort of a “support-esque” build for my warrior (if there even is one?)

Thanks for any info!
