Showing Posts For rosey.5309:
Seconded, +1. It would make life so much easier for us if that was implemented, not even just for this achievement but others as well. Now if they’d only listen to us…
This achievement is beginning to drive me bananas now. My last post stated that i only needed Lornar’s pass as i was stuck at 12/13 and only Lornar’s pass was left for me. I did Lornar’s pass last night, did not disconnect, did not change characters and did it on overflow and received the reward…Yet the achievement still states 12/13.
I am starting to get very frustrated and angry with this, I have written down and counted all the maps i did and just to be safe I re-did every map 3 times except for Frostgorge Sound and Fireheart Rise each of which i did once since those maps, especially Frostgorge sound are not being attacked as much as the other maps.
So i am having to painstakingly monitor where the event is every hour on the dot to see if it is the one i need, or if it isn’t i repeat it to see if it is the bugged map that will push the achievement to 13/13.
I should have successfully received credit for Frostgorge and Fireheart since i received credit for the achievement “Friend of Fire and Frost.”
At the moment I am just upset and about to give this up, however angry because i don’t know why its not working for some of us and because there is no easy way to see which map is the one not counting, which you guys seriously need to do something about.
I agree with another poster who said that it should have been like the kites where it checked off WHICH one you have done, but with this one there is just no way to figure this out…
here’s an update for mine.
I’ve done all 13…counted and written =p. Currently stuck at 12/13, earlier today was stuck at 9/13, but just after reset it started moving for me and updating, even though i’ve already done all 13 maps twice and all done on overflow.
The few times the game crashed and i got disconnected i had to re-do the events after map was invaded a second time.
So far so good, I should only have Lornar’s pass left, since that was the only map it doesn’t seem to be counting. Let’s see if it works or not.
Also did not switch characters, only got disconnected due to game crashes.
(edited by rosey.5309)
I’m stuck at 9/13 on the Invasion Canceler achievement. It won’t progress. The last two maps I ran were frostgorge (Friend of Fire and Frost triggered fine) and mt maelstrom.
I had not done either map previously (as evidenced by the Friend of Fire and Frost triggering fine); however, the achievement did not advance past 9/13 (should be 11/13 now).
Both events were completed successfully and gave rewards just not the achievement update.
I’m am trying another map I have not completed before (Fields of Ruin) and will update if I get a chance tonight.
I’m having the exact same problem. I even wrote down all the maps i did, and still stuck at 9/13. It may move up to 10/13 once i get Mount Maelstrom done, but so far nothing and i’ve also done all the maps you did =p.
The Achievement label says: “13 different maps”
I’m correctly at 10/13 cause i have done it on:
Frostgorge Sounds
Fireheart Rise
Blazeridge Steppes
Fields of Ruin
Lonar’s Pass
Dredgehaunt Cliff
Timberline Falls
Mount Maelstrom
Bloodtide Coast
Sparkfly Fen- If you repeat the event 2 times in the same map, you will not get the +1
- No problems with overflows
- you will get the +1 even if you fail, you just need to partecipate and wait the 45 min timerI think there is no problems with this achievement at all, it is only hard to find the event in 13 different maps.
MIm at 12/13 atm, All works fine.
I forgot to mention that you need to wait the invasion ends (killing Scarlet or not), it is not enough to close 1 portal.Map added are:
Harathi Hinterland
Gendarran FieldsIf all works fine at the end of next round i got “Iron Marches” and I finish the Achievement.
Ok no offense, but unless you have something worth adding to this thread i suggest you don’t bother posting. This thread was created because there’s quite a few people experiencing this problem and are not getting this achievement.
Obviously its working fine for some, but not so well for others. Since its working fine for you, good for you, but that doesn’t mean that just because its working for you that we’re making this up or the achievement isn’t bugged. That’s why it’s a bug, because it affects some people and not others sometimes, though sometimes everyone.
And FYI, its not hard to find the events on the maps since its only done on the following 13 Maps:
Gendarren Fields
Harathi Hinterlands
Bloodtide Coast
Sparkfly Fen
Mount Maelstrom
Lornar’s Pass
Dredgehaunt Cliffs
Timberline Falls
Frostgorge Sound
Fireheart Rise
Iron Marches
Blazeridge Steppes
Fields of Ruin
(edited by rosey.5309)
It’s so funny this discussion came along as last night was my first dungeon run with the rest of my 5 member guild/party (me included) and i have a perfect example/reasons to add why.
We did the Ascalonian Catacombs which was story mode for one of our members. Between the 5 of us playing, and we were all level 45+ players, mixed races/types of characters we still had quite the hard time going through the dungeon, but that’s actually where “rez-rushing” as its called came in handy. It wasn’t just the bosses that were hard, also their lesser minions, and other mobs we encountered, the bosses we had an especially hard time with.
Now you say that players don’t bother waiting for their team mates to resurrect them and just used the waypoints to run back, well yes, for us that was actually what helped us win the fight with the bosses after about 6 tries or so. We didn’t do it for fun, and i hope you don’t think it’s fun having to resurrect so many times and run all the way back from either the beginning of the dungeon or the middle of it. Since another thing i’d like to point out, sometimes the waypoint wasn’t as near, and the path was farther down, etc, those kinds of things should be put into consideration as well.
For us there simply wasn’t much of a choice. I myself died so many times more than they did since as an Elementalist my character can’t take many hits, and is an easy target. Obviously if it was as easy as it sounded when you say “wait for their party members to resurrect them” then we would have done it. I did actually wait, but more than once they couldn’t resurrect me since they were either dying themselves, or barely holding their own trying to stay alive. Or another situation running to revive their team mate but then getting killed in the process, which was another thing we experienced.
It isn’t as easy as you think especially when the boss summons 2, 3 or even 4 additional minions to help him fight and you have 4 of the 6 players already downed or even dead. So basically it means we just have to either all die, or the people alive kill the boss and then resurrect the dead player/s but which would have a negative effect on the dead player. For example, i personally, when my character was defeated and needed to be revived, didn’t want to just sit there and wait for them to revive me since that took away from the fun of being able to help my teammates and being part of the team.
Also when running back after “res-raising” we sometimes found the boss at full hp again, if we were lucky, then it was where we’d left them off at, with half their hp. In the long run we weren’t exactly gaining anything extra.
So where does that fit into the teamwork part if you can’t even help your team since you’re either dead and waiting to be revived when they’re in the clear, or just wait until everyone dies and start over again. Which for me brings up another question, if the boss resets, then where does that leave the players?
This is my two cents into the conversation as a player who just went through that experience and you guys sometimes may think you know what’s best for the players, however when the players themselves go through it and henceforth experience what you are trying to change, it helps to see it from their perspective as well.
Maybe i will give it a fair try as well, but if it actually ends up making things worse in the long run, then i guess we’d be correct on our end.