Showing Posts For runards.8971:

[CA] Center of Attention (Blackgate)

in Guilds

Posted by: runards.8971


[CA] Center of Attention is looking for experienced and willing new players to join our family! We respect all members’ opinions and strive to become the best. We’re a WvW guild rooted in strategy, teamwork, and tactical fun.

If you enjoy a friendly, competitive atmosphere, we’d love to get in touch with you to see if you’d be a good fit.

We’re looking to expand our EU and NA presence and conduct WvW on a daily basis. We currently have commanders for EU, NA, SEA/OCEANIC timezones.

Our Rules
– You are willing to use Teamspeak 3 and communicate with fellow members.
– You are willing to rally to WvW when the guild is running.
– You are willing to learn, improve, and become the best at what you do; open to advice and consul.
– You aren’t one to stir up trouble, be a kingslayer, and create divisions.
– You are representing CA when we’re running in WvW.

For more info visit our temporary site:

(edited by runards.8971)

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: runards.8971


Server: Blackgate
Location: Philippines
Experiencing bad lag and connection errors. Have tried /clientport80

I’m also having problems any information on how to prevent this is highly appreciated. I have attached the Game Advisor test and Network Diag.

Error 7:11:3:190:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: runards.8971


I’m also having problems any information on how to prevent this is highly appreciated. I have attached the Game Advisor test and Network Diag.