Showing Posts For sage.3580:

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: sage.3580


Any developers reading this?

I can’t be the only player that feels like the game developers had a troll face on when making this game. I bought this game because I am not a sociable person and I cannot explore this beautiful world you call Tyria because there are enemies everywhere. I do not wish to play the game with other people. Is there some kind of middle ground that you guys could reach in order to appeal to a broader group of gamers when you make Guild Wars 3?

I don’t know if you really anticipate single players to just keep playing after they die, it is actually very preposterous. The only way to play this game is with other people and the simple fact of the matter is, in case you did not know, a lot of people like to play role playing games in order to escape from the difficulties of a social real life.

Thanks if you read this. Please add more NPCs so other people can enjoy this game who do not have a full friends list.